Bitter Truth

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Jungkook are laying down on the bed. He is silently watching you move around the bedroom. Seems like you were totally forgot the reason you went on the date with him.

You just can't see him in the eyes after he said he loves you. There is butterflies on your stomach that's constantly made you flutter every time your eyes lands on his figure. You knew that prick is laying down on purpose. His mind must be up for something. Something less innocent than his childish nature.

"So.. are you done there?" Jungkook hid his giggle to see your shoulder jolt for his sudden question.


"Hmm?" He scrunched his nose.

"I have a question. In the ball, Taehyung said it about his company and his dad thank you for making him comeback.. What's that all about?"

"Notice it, didn't you."He pat the bed beside him, "Before you judge me. I want you to know that back then when we were little, my dad was very strict to me." Jungkook pulled you inside his embrace as soon as you reached the bed, "They are work together, my dad n Uncle Kim.

It was very natural for me and Taehyung to play together. Not as often as you think. I'm a nerd since kid. And Taehyung always attract people around him. So.. when I can't meet my dad expectations in study or anything, he would punished me. I always run away and hide in Taehyung's all the time. His dad talked to my dad i'm still a kid speech, you know. I look up to him very much.

Taehyung doesn't know how lucky he is. I was jealous of him, he always ungrateful for thinking he doesn't need his family, wanting to start his business alone. His dad needs him. If he's my dad's child. He won't even get a chance to think building his own company." He chuckled, "His dad asked my help to sober his stupid son. So i did." You can not agree the way he solved things.
It isn't easy for Taehyung as well.. he built the company from zero. He received many many rejection at first.

Several employee he can't pay for three first month. His very first client. Taehyung worked hard for all of it to reach the place he was.
The flashes of his smile when he another company started to notice his small one. He put a lot effort and even he looked very casual. Work is work. He doesn't slack.

All his appointments were well handled.

You knew it.. because you were there with him.. Jungkook took it away as if it was nothing..

"You seem to be disagree." He could guess from the silence and your tense body.

"My opinion doesn't matter to things that been done." It can't be reversed.

"I know you work there. I know you share feelings to what he accomplished. I'm truly sorry, love.." He pecked your head as he tighten his arm around you.

"Nothing for you to sorry, Jungkook.."

"Y/n.." He turned you facing him. Your eyes seek the the words in his eyes, you could smell the rose soap he used, your soap apparently.
"You smell nice..." He gave you small smile.

"Y/n." He lifted your chin, "Yuuna cheated on his husband." He said carefully.

"Yuuna? Cheated? What are you talking about?" Jungkook caressed your cheek. He hate to tell you the news.

"Her ex husband is devastated. She gave one of his company to her lover." "From what i heard, your sister ex husband gives her a huge settlement money for their divorce."

"... So that how it goes.." Yuuna never mention about the money nor her adultery.

You probably wouldn't like what he would say next, "Your dad gambled over his company and he lost." You separated yourself from his embrace. He don't lie. At least his eyes are not,
"Listen, your dad had been addicted to gamble these past years, Y/n. Your brother in law tried to help him. But he kept using the money for gambling." "That's another reason for your sister divorcement. Your brother in law felt your family is helpless and greedy.."

"I don't know what to say... " You know your mother won't let such a thing happen. She loves money more than she loves you.

There is no way she let your father spend a cent for gambling. This is totally nonsense.
"He lied to you, Jungkook."

"He doesn't lie, Y/n."

"Bullshit. Did you hear it both of your ears? Why none of them saying anything to me."

"You don't need to worry about your dad company, the man who take over it is my dad's acquaintance. He's will keep the employees that works under your dad."

"That's good to hear.." Your dad still have money. He went to Greece with Jimin, having a blast. Leaving his wife and daughter under your care.

"I'm sorry but this is the truth. I wish i don't have to tell you either." They are your family, they supposed to tell you the everything especially if you are the one you supported them.

The answer is  in front of your face.

They want his money. They want Jungkook to support them. They knew Jungkook will get nothing in return but they married you off to Jungkook anyway. If he turns to be a  bad guy. You are the one who will suffer. Now they know he isn't, they tried to lure him with your sister.

From your mother, you are no longer expect her to tell the truth but Yuuna. You welcomed her to your house, so that she could live well as you did. As if keeping these from you isn't enough, she dare to desire your husband too. Kissing him while you are staying under the same roof.

She hurt your pride but you say no words to her. Forgiving her even when she doesn't ask for it. But why does she these from you? What do you do to her? Is she secretly hate you too?

"Y/n.." Jungkook kissed your head, "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't tell you now. You already had many in your mind."

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