Chapter 35

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Deliberately, for Yan Xun, Xun Feng only appeared in Fu Chengshu's mouth. He was a good actor, the lover of Fu Chengshu's mother, and both were killed just as they were preparing to reorganize their families. It never occurred to him that he had a relationship with himself and was his own father.

For ten years, Fu Chengshu did not mention anything about this.

"Fu Chengshu didn't mention it to you?" Jiang Mingwei smiled in surprise, "Is his desire to protect you too strong, or is his desire for exclusivity too strong?" Here's what you should know. Everyone has the right to know the truth.

Yan Xun just looked at Jiang Mingwei fixedly, his eyes were dark, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

Fu Chengshu stubbornly wanted to prove the truth he thought, and I didn't care. His mother died too early, when he was only sixteen years old, and Natural Gray couldn't accept all this. Jiang Mingwei said kindly, "Only if the murderer he thinks exists, he will feel better in his heart." He had been investigating the matter all these years, and he believed that I was the murderer.

Jiang Mingwei looked at Yan Xun, "My foreign room, Liu Ning has also turned over many times, and here too." You've just come out to see it. The police also proved my innocence. Xiao Xun, don't be like Fu Chengshu, paranoid about your own imagination. I can also take you to see the transcript of that year.

"Really?" Yan Xun asked.

Jiang Mingwei's eyes were soft, "Your father is the most important person in my life." We are perfect for each other, and without me there would be no him, and in the same way, without him there would be no me. He was dug out by me, and I wanted him to be happy more than anyone else, how could I harm him. If your father died, I am sure he would be very sad to know that his son had doubted him in this way. 

Yan Xun's eyes drooped.

"Xiao Xun, I came back this time, in fact, for you." I also knew that you are Xiao Feng's child," Jiang Mingwei was still saying, and a series of rapid footsteps came over.

The next moment, the door was almost slammed open.

Fu Shenshu and Liu Ning appeared at the same time.

Jiang Mingwei's appearance of them also seemed to be expected.

Fu Chengshu's face was pale. He strode over, pulled Yan Xun over, and carefully examined Yan Xun's face, "What's going on?" Jiang Mingwei is here, you are fine. 

Fu Chengshu's usually steady and calm temperament disappeared, his breath was chaotic, and even his eyes were unstable.

"Why don't you tell me that I'm Xun Feng's son?" Yan Xun asked him with his face on his back.

Fu Chengshu froze, looked at Jiang Mingwei, and said in a low and urgent voice, "Sorry, I always wanted to find a chance, but..."

But as soon as he mentioned this, he felt very uncomfortable. He did not want Yan Xun to live in this torment like him.

Yan Xun's tears finally rolled down, "When you adopted me in the welfare home, you obviously said that because I was very cute, you liked me at a glance." You're all lying to me. "

Little flood..... We'll go back and talk about it. Fu Chengshu said and went to pull Yan Xun's hand, and Yan Xun threw him away violently, glaring at Fu Chengshu, "I won't believe you."

Fu Chengshu looked at Yan Xun, his eyes deep.

"Sorry to divide you." Jiang Mingwei said, "It's just that after so many years, you actually didn't tell him about his origins." In the book, Xiao Xun is no longer a child, he has the right to know the truth. You can't lock him up and make him know nothing. Tearing

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