Chapter 16

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Signing Party.

Because the male protagonist of "Xueshen" is a super bully, and even later landed on Mars, Yan Xun, a high school graduate who was smooth sailing because of his marriage to Fu Chengshu, was boycotted by book fans and pseudo-book fans, and they ran to the "Student" official micro below to petition, and could not let the nine leaky fish Yan Xun play the god of learning.

At the same time, the entertainment industry's sunburn fever was very popular because of "Learning God", and Liu Chen's team fished in the water and began to market the hegemonic design.

Liu Chen's college entrance examination was 532 points. Because it is an art examinee who also has to take the exam for his own major, spending a lot of time and energy on his own major, Liu Chenchen's score is quite good, and it is far higher than the admission score line of the art school.

Because of marketing, Liu Got a title of "Xueba" in the early morning.

Yan Xun didn't care much, but two days later he received a call from Beiwangchuan, and the god was quite excited, and his voice was high, "Yan Xun, no matter what others say, I stand up for you." You're right, actors are actors, and they specialize in the arts. Academic qualifications are not everything. Even if you only score 200, I think you are the right person.

Yan Xun was speechless and muttered, "You only scored 200 points."

Beiwangchuan paused, rather uncomfortable, "How do you know that I scored 200 points?" 

Yan Xun:?

"I just didn't love to study, and my college entrance examination results were a mess, but I loved to read novels, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign novels. I couldn't do the exam, my parents were annoyed when I saw it, I soaked in the library all day and night, and then I bought a second-hand notebook in the library and buried my head in the library to write novels. "The North Lookout River is self-satisfied.

Yan Xun sincerely expressed his admiration, "Academic qualifications do not mean everything. Learning never ends. Although your college entrance examination results are not good, but you work hard in other aspects, equivalent to learning in society, your current results are deserved.

"Yes, live to learn from the old." By the way, Yan Xun, I have a live signing party tomorrow. I will announce to everyone at the signing party that you are the god of learning in my heart. That Liu what came from..." The big god said in a dismissive tone, "That looks, I don't know how to say it, obviously it is a good facial feature, gathered on his face, like it was stolen, the nose is not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes, I will not let him come to play the god." 

It cannot but be said that the Great God described Liu Linchen very correctly. Since you can enter the show business circle, you will not look too bad. However, Liu Chen's facial features are particularly wooden and not vivid. Either you can't make micro-expressions, or your facial features are flying around.

Yan Xun couldn't help but laugh when he heard it.

Zhou Deyue looked at Yan Xun from the side, and he was happy and sad. The good news is that "Ten Thousand Charms" has been regarded as a hit, and the sad thing is that these petitions are written.

Zhou Deyue: "Xiao Flood, how much can you get in the college entrance examination?"

"How do I know if the points have not yet come out?" Yan Xun was careless.

"Xiao Xun, don't deliberately make me anxious, you must have estimated the score." Zhou Deyue looked like a worried old father.

"I don't have a score." Yan Xun said seriously, "But even when I was filming, I would do homework every day, even if I went back late, I would make up classes, and I had a lot of tutors in the book, and they were very powerful."

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