22 ~ Selcouth

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unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous

unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous

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I'm so confused. My emotions stir and swirl inside me and his hands and lips are so hot against my skin. Almost burning me.

I just poured my heart out to him and it felt so, so good to tell him about Samir. To talk about him and have someone else just listening without judging me or my decisions. Mason didn't change the way he treats me after he learned about my past. He said Samir's name, unafraid and unashamed, not trying to avoid it at all costs by beating about the bush to not trigger something. On the contrary, talking about Samir helps me to cope with it. It's like adding back a piece of my shattered heart every time I hear or say his name. It keeps the memory alive.

Mason didn't try to give me tips on what to do or how to do things. He just listened. He's a good listener, too, and I probably would've told him much more. I want to. And, in some way, I did. I told him that I'm attracted to him and that's probably an understatement. Even more now that I know he's not always that aloof, laid back and arrogant guy with an attitude. He almost cried with me. He has feelings and he's learning how to show them. I know I'm not ready to get into a new relationship yet, but exploring this, whatever this is, could be exciting. I loved kissing him when I was tipsy and I ache to find out what it'd be like now when I'm sober. Would I wanna do more than that? Would I let him do more to me? Do I need to get rid of the figurative cobwebs in my lady parts?

That thought scares me. It wasn't my first time when Samir and I got together. I was... experienced. But after marrying him I didn't think about ever getting with another man. And thinking about it now freaks me out. Even more when I mull over everything Mason might expect from me. I mean, he's a man and I'm sure he wants... me. Didn't he just say so?

When April's car pulls up, cramming my little driveway, I don't know if I'm relieved and thankful for the interruption or even more confused because I have no clue what she's doing here already. She parks and gets out of her car, wearing a white, flowing sundress that will be ruined by dirt and sand in no time, but okay.

"Howdy!" she calls, smiling and eyes glimmering when she spies the man on who's lap I still perch. Crap!

I jump up, remembering that I'm still wearing my pajamas and angle my arms weirdly in front of me. Mason seems unfazed, even a little annoyed by the interruption and brushes imaginary lint off his shorts.

"Hi," I say gravelly. "What- uh, what are you doing here?"

She stops, feigning slight irritation. "Okay, good to see you too, bestie." Bestie? "I thought I'd surprise you so we could catch-up before we go to Tasmania with the gang. I'm sure we won't get a chance to talk there." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Well, consider me surprised." I watch Baby whooshing down the porch stairs to sniff April's shoes, saying hello.

She tilts her head while slamming her car door shut, cocking an eyebrow as her eyes snap to Mason again. "Oh, I'm surprised too. Positively." The smile that follows is honeysweet.

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