4 ~ Siren

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A woman who is considered to be alluring or fascinating, but also dangerous in some ways

Siren(noun)A woman who is considered to be alluring or fascinating, but also dangerous in some ways

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Joe, Rathi's cousin and head chef for the Connor Head restaurant, is decent company, I guess.

He chose the location we're currently at, which is - for lack of a better words to describe it - a lived-in dive bar in the town's center by the pier. But I've quickly learned that in this town everything's either by the pier or at the beach. It's been about a week in Australia and I've enjoyed the calm that came with being alone in Danny's house. I went for a couple more runs, played guitar and emailed back and forth with my lawyer and manager. The time difference was a good excuse to not answer them right away because, frankly, lawyers are exhausting creatures and managers are insufferable.

Joe had to pick me up before coming here because I don't have a car, and even if I had one, I think I'd need an hour of practice before being allowed on the streets because besides the fact that they drive on the other side of the road here, I haven't driven myself in years.

The bar, with the very "creative" name Connor's, is packed tonight and we got a table somewhere in the middle of the room, which I hate. Everyone has to pass us by on their way to the bar or to the restrooms and I have to swivel my head back and forth to check everything out. There are fairy lights decorating the walls that are a little out of character for this bar, but somehow work and add to the eclectic vibe going on in here. Yet, I'd prefer a table in a more private corner to have a better overview of everything and really get a good look of all the stellar women walking up to the bar and bending over it to get their drinks. If I want to do that now I really have to crane my neck and I'm not pathetic like that.

Joe shoves a Corona into my hand and sits back down across from me. He's been telling me about the town and the restaurant and how stoked he is to work with Rathi. Like her, Joe has a passion for the cuisine of their home country and loves bringing authentic Indonesian food to Connor Head.

Everyone really seems to push this town on me. So far everyone I've met loves it here and is fucking protective about it. They have a town motto for crying out loud: Connor Head – the air feels like home. Gag.

I mean, it's not all that bad. The scenery and landscapes are beautiful and relaxing, exactly what I wanted, but I can't imagine anything ever really happening here and I'm gonna need more action than sitting on the beach all day.

"So, Rathi's been telling me you play in a band?" Joe asks me a question for the first time after telling me his life's story in full detail for the last hour.

"Yeah." I shrug and take a swig of my beer to buy time, thinking about how I'm going to approach this. "I did. But not anymore."

I'm thankful when Joe's attention slides sideways and he stands abruptly, pushing his chair back with a scratch on the floor. "Oh, there's Harrison."

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