7 ~ Undisonant

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making the sound of waves.

)making the sound of waves

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It's fucking Wednesday!

Shit, that's way too eager.

It's Wednesday. Period.

And I'm wide awake by seven, anticipating the soon arrival of my hot, crabby and hopefully sparsely clothed surf teacher. Somehow her fierceness turns me the fuck on.

Ah, shit.

I need to get laid to get it out of my system and her face out of my stupid head, before this gets even more embarrassing for me and I begin to drool or something.

The forecast was right. It's sunny and bright outside, and when the clock strikes eight, I wait for Riley with a steaming cup of coffee in hand like a dog waiting for its owner to come home after work. I feel stupid standing here like this, but I guess it's a decent thing to do right? Offering someone coffee early in the morning?

I don't have to wait long until, exactly like last time, the front door opens and a tail wagging Baby tabs inside the air-conditioned hallway followed by Riley sporting a tight, God so tight, navy-blue bathing suit with a frilly pair of black shorts clinging to her hips. She's lean and trained, but the bathing suit's sleek material as well as the soft swinging fabric of the shorts hug every one of Riley's smooth curves exceptionally well. I take a sip of my own coffee, watching her over the rim as she drops a heavy wet bag by the door and snatches a hair tie from around her wrist, lifting both arms to tie her hair into a high ponytail.

The combination of her cute little freckles, not so perfectly straight nose and random tattoos gives her an edge that takes nothing away and rather adds to her beauty. Her fingers drag through her brown hair and a rush of zings zap down to my pants just from looking at her like this. The tight bathing suit creates the perfect little cleavage line, reminding me of how she ran into me.

I really have to do something about this. It's embarrassing how fast my body reacts to her. I don't need my cock acting on its own accord like this every time she's around.

I blink, take the coffee I poured for Riley from the counter and, as casually as I can, stride over to where she stands. As usual, I step a little too close just to test her out a bit. And just like last time, she doesn't flinch. She isn't impressed by my proximity or the dominance of me towering over her as she tilts her head back and looks at me – or rather at my bearded chin – with a stern, unshaken expression.

I gesture to the coffee I'm holding in my hand for her, and without breaking eye-contact, she wraps her small fingers around the cup. The deep blue color of her eyes sucks me in, makes me want to come closer, and when I recognize the few brown flecks that sparkle in her irises, I don't think I can ever look away again. It's hypnotizing and if I stare too long I'd probably drown, but I don't care. Something inside of me wishes she'd just reach over my shoulder and bury her hands in my hair already, just like she did with her own a moment ago.

Waves - Book #2 [completed]Where stories live. Discover now