◾ Directioner girl ◾

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"Weddings in Paris are no fun

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"Weddings in Paris are no fun... unless and until its your own." Ana huffs and slumps back into her chair. 

"You wanna get out of here?" I ask. All the ceremonies are over and for some reason... everyone is dancing on slow songs. Even mom and dad. Ana and I did dance... but it was on a little more up beat music. This is just... slower than a lullaby. Since the dinner, we both have been sitting at the able watching the couples dance. And now... its just getting fucking annoying.

"We can?" 

"Yeah. Its not like mom and dad would mind." I chuckle looking over to them. 

"Great. Give me 10. I'll go change." She smiles and we both head for our rooms. Quickly changing into some warm casuals, and leaving a note for my parents I head for Ana's room. 

"Now don't you look snug like a bug?" I smirk. She's sitting on her bed, zipping her boots. 

"I feel like a snug bug. Dresses aren't my thing you know." 

"Yeah... I could tell." I lean against the door frame as Ana walks around her room, and puts her stuff back in its place. Then she grabs her sling bag and walks towards me. 

"Lets go lover boy." She ruffles my hair and walk out of the room. "Where to first?" She asks as we get into the elevator. 

"You tell me? There's this coffee shop right around the corner. And then there's this diner/bar with some local bands playing there tonight." 

"The diner/bar I guess. I'm in desperate need of some good music after that tortoise workout playlist we just heard." 

"Agreed." I laugh. We walk to the bar chatting about some random things, like we always do. None of us really acknowledging the fact that our hands are locked together between us. Out of sheer subconsciousness, she slid her palm onto mine while we crosses the road and I haven't let it go since. Not like Ana made any move to pull it away. 

The place is like 3 blokes away... so when we near the place the drums and the strumming electric guitars can be heard. I push the door open and let Ana in first. She smiles at her surrounding and walks to one of the empty tables. There is a small platform like stage, where the current band is playing a French song. I don't understand a word, but the beats are good. Behind the scattered table in the open area, is the bar. The bartenders are leaning against the counter, enjoying the melody and so are the customers, they are attending to. I walk to one of the guy and order two beers for Ana and me. 

"I've never seen you here before. Are you a tourist?" The guy asks. His words laced with think French accent. 

"Kind of. I'm here with my family to attend a wedding." I nod and pay him for our drinks. 
       "She your sister?" He asks looking over to Ana and I instantly drop my friendly attitude. 

"No. She's my girlfriend."

"Oh okay. Enjoy the show. The next band is an American one too." he nods. I turn on my heels and back to the table Ana is sitting at. 

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