◾ Deja Vu ◾

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Passing through the glass doors, I stepped on the sand

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Passing through the glass doors, I stepped on the sand. The weather seems nice, so maybe I can take a walk. Slipping my shoes off, I stroll closer to the crashing waves. The sea looks magnificent. My eyes flutter close as the moist air, pushes past me, giving me a greeting kiss. I can live my entire life here. The silence, the view and above all, the distance from the outside world. 

Someone's footsteps come running towards me, making me look behind. "Rena? What are you doing here?" My lips part in a face splitting grin as my best friend comes and hugs me. 

"Chase invited us over. And oh my god. Miles drove us here in a shiny silver convertible." She squeals excitedly. Soon Chase informs that its time to leave.

For the rest of the day, the four of us go around eating and strolling down the market streets. Miles and I even try surfing but end up making a fool of ourselves. Though I'll admit os it was fucking crazy and fun. 

"I'm never surfing again." Miles complains as we all enter the house. 

"You better not." Chase laughs, earning a glare from his best friend. As I'm walking towards the kitchen, I see Rena and Miles exchanging some looks. That's when I realize, that they haven't had some alone time since we got here. 

"Chase? You wanna go out for walk on the beach?" I ask.

"Yeah sure. Be right there." He nods. I walk outside in the breezy atmosphere. The sun is setting, scattering its orange rays into the funky colored sky. The light has outlined the clouds with pink and purplish color. I walk near to the shore and sit on the sand, admiring the view. A while later, I feel a presence behind me. He simply sits there leaning back on his hands. I scoot closer and rest my back against his chest, listening to the rhythmic sound of his heart. His cheek rests against my head, as I wrap my arm around his knees.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I whisper, looking up at Chase, but his eyes are already fixed on me. 

"Yes it is." He smiles brightly, making my cheeks turn red. 



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Beautiful. The only word that can describe her right now.

Her cheeks turn red when I smile down at her. The whole day, on various occasions, I caught myself staring at her no reason. Every time Miles cracked a joke, I looked over to her to see if she was laughing or not. And when she was, a fuzzy feeling coursed through me. Right now, I want nothing more than her presence near me. 

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