◾ That Boy ◾

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Short chapter alert

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Short chapter alert.

So this is how a police station looks from the inside. Its actually cool. Right now, I'm sitting, on a bench opposite to the reception, with my mom Lily and Chase, biting my finger nails. Chase on the other hand looks like he's constipated.

His left leg keeps on bouncing as he looks in the direction of our fathers and Mr. Harrison. 

"What were you thinking Anastasia. Your dad and I had to leave an important meeting in the middle to get you." Mom scolds in a low voice.

"C'mon Penelope, they are just kids. Don't be so hard on her." Lily ropes in.

"Thanks for your advice Lily, but I think I know how to handle my daughter." 

"Mom. Don't talk to her like that. I'm sorry Lily." I apologize on my mom's behalf, who just rolls her eyes. Lily just smiles at me.

"I think we're good to go." Mr. Carter comes with my pissed dad by his side. "You better explain yourself when we get home young man." He says to Chase. Chase nods. "Ana... I'm so sorry for the trouble. Are you okay?" 

"I'm totally fine Mr. Carter, and please I was at fault too, please don't be too harsh on him." Mr. Carter just chuckles at that and leaves with his son and wife. I follow my dad and mom to our car. 

"You are getting out of control day by day. And what are you even wearing?" There she goes again. 

"Like you are there to check upon me." I scoff.

"Don't you dare talk to your mother like that, Anastasia." Dad scolds.

"Okay." I put my hands up in mock surrender. Rest of the ride is silent. Just me and my thoughts about the amazing night. I can never forget this day. I might even mark it in my calendar to celebrate next year. Just kidding. I think so.

I'm about to head to my room, when my dad calls after me. "Yeah." I say taking a seat on the kitchen stool. 

"What was that?" 

"What was what?" I play dumb. I'm done with them acting all mad when they don't even care. The only reason they are mad because they had to leave an important meeting in the middle.

"Don't act dumb. You know how important that meeting was for me and the business." See, I told ya.

"Yeah... and I'm sorry. Now can I go." I resist the urge to roll my eyes. 

"What's gotten into you today... Why are you acting like this." Mom snaps.

"I am like that. You guys are not around to notice it." 

"I'm done dealing with you and your attitude child." Dad slams his hand on the counter, making me flinch. Wait what? Dealing with me.

"I'm sorry that you guys are stuck with me. I'm sorry that I'm such a burden on you guys." Wow, my own parents said that. I mean what am I suppose to expect from the world beyond this, which I may add, is even more brutal.

"We work our asses off to provide you this life. To fulfill your needs and this is how you treat us." Mom yells and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Honestly mom, I never wanted you to provide me a life like this. I just wanted you in it." 

"Enough is enough is Anastasia. I don't wanna hear anything else form you." Dad shuts me up. "And yes, I want you to stop seeing that boy." Boy? what bo- Chase? Stop seeing Chase? Fuck no.

"No I won't." I say bluntly. They have no right to tell me who I can and can't see, when they've been MIA all my fucking life. 

"What?" They both ask in unison. Wait... I think I just heard a someone drop something upstairs. Since my parents don't seem to notice it, it must be just me. 

"That boy... has a name. Chase. okay. And no I'm not going to stop seeing him." I nod my head.

"Anastasia, come back here." He stops me from walking away. Fine, he brought this upon himself. "That boy, cares for me. He makes me smile every day. He makes sure that I'm not alone in this big ass house crying myself to sleep every night just because my parents are too busy working. Which is more than you guys ever do." I seethe, finally letting  out everything. Not wanting to continue the argument any further I leave for my room.

"You are grounded for 2 weeks." Mom yells after me.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes once I'm up the stairs. "What are you doing here?" 

 "What are you doing here?" 

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