17. Meeting the Malfoys

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The holiday passed quickly and not before long, it was time for Scorpius to go.

"Scorp, mate, got everything packed?" Albus asked, as he helped his best mate to stuff everything into his trunk.

"Yeah I think so."

"Come on, let's go down, your parents will be here soon."

The two walked down the stairs in silence. James and Lily were already downstairs with Harry and Ginny.

"Ready Scorpius?" Harry smiled and asked.

Scorpius nodded.

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get the door," Ginny said and opened the door, "Hello Draco, Astoria."

"Ginny, Harry," Draco greeted. Astoria gave a smile and turned to Scorpius, "Ready?"

"Yeah," Scorpius said.

"Bye Scorpius," James said.

"Bye," Lily said, quite shyly.

"Thank you for taking care of him," Draco said.

"You're welcome, he's a good boy, it's obvious you taught him well," Ginny said with a wink.

Draco smiled, "Thanks. And Harry, I never said thanks to you for proving my mother and I innocent and keeping us out of Azkaban."

"You're welcome," Harry said.

Astoria said, "Thank you so much. But I guess this is goodbye."

"Well, goodbye Scorpius, Draco and Astoria," Harry said.

"Hey, see you at the train mate," Albus said, giving Scorpius a bro hug.

"Bye, Al. See you after the holiday," Scorpius said.

Astoria smiled and spoke to Ginny, "Thanks again. It's nice to meet you and your family."

"You're welcome, nice to meet you too," Ginny said.

The three of them left the house with Scorpius waving again and again until he side-apparated with his parents.

I wonder what you think about Draco and Astoria?

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