12. Finally Home

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Harry drove them back to 12 Grimmauld Place after lunch. James, Albus, Scorpius and Lily were chatting non stop throughout the car ride.
They arrived at Grimmauld Place, the kids took their pets while Harry and Ginny levitated their trunks into the house.
James led the way upstairs and they placed all their stuff into the room.
"Oh yeah, Scorpius, you'll be sharing my room. It should be big enough for both of us," Albus said, grinning.
"Great! Thanks Albus! And oh, thanks aunt Ginny," Scorpius said smiling, as Ginny levitated all their trunks into their rooms.
"You're welcome Scorpius. Come down for dinner at 6:30, okay? We're going to have barbecque tonight," Ginny said.
"Yes! Barbecque! My favourite!" Lily squealed as she strolled into Albus' room with James.
Ginny laughed, "Dad and I will be downstairs preparing the barbecque. Do whatever you like, just don't fight with each other, don't blow up the house, and certainly no magic. You're not at school, so don't do any magic," she said sternly.
"Yes mum," James said and Ginny left.
"So what shall we do?" asked Lily.
"I need to owl my parents, they told me to send them an owl as soon as I arrived here," Scorpius said, taking out his quill and parchment.
"I'll get the Explosive Snap ready, we'll play after you finish your letter, is that okay with you, Scorpius?" James asked.
"Great! Thanks," Scorpius said and started to write his letter.

Dear father and mother,
I just arrived at 12 Grimmauld Place and I'm having a great time. You don't need to worry about me. Have fun in Paris.

Scorpius tied the letter to Screecher, and the screech owl flew out of the open window.
James came in with the Explosive Snap shortly later and they played until 6:30.
They then went down and saw Ginny lighting the fire, "Incendio."
"Ah, just in time," Harry said as he saw them walking out to the garden.
They sat down and had a nice barbecque. As the stars lit up the night sky, the six of them went back in the house after tidying the mess they made during the barbecque.

"Did you have fun Scorpius?" Harry asked, as they sat down in the living room.

"Yep, thanks uncle Harry," Scorpius answered politely.

"You're welcome Scorpius," Ginny said as she handed out milkshakes to everyone.

"Great! Milkshakes! Thanks mum!" Albus licked his lips happily as Ginny handed him his milkshake.

"So how're your parents?" Harry asked.

"Uh, well they're okay. Not quite happy about having me and Albus being friends though," Scorpius said.

Ginny raised her eyebrows, "But they let you come over?"

"Well, I said I don't want to stay at Hogwarts and I'll be more happy here so they let me have fun. Honestly, I think dad isn't quite happy from the moment he knew I wasn't in Slytherin. Especially my grandparents, they're really disappointed," Scorpius said with a small sigh.

"But you said you don't want to be in Slytherin yourself!" Albus exclaimed.

"Yes, and I am far more happy in Gryffindor. You are my best mate Albus," Scorpius said, the smile back on his face.

"It's great to see you two getting along," Ginny said.

"Yeah, we had lots of fun with Rose and Molly," Albus grinned at his parents, then turned to Scorpius, "Come on Scorpius, I promised to show you round the house after dinner."

The two boys left the dining room together, James followed them.

Lily suddenly gave a big yawn.

"Lily, you better go to bed," Ginny sighed.

Lily gave another yawn and nodded, she left the room and closed the door behind her.

"It's good to see them being friends," Harry said.

"Well, Scorpius is quite different from his father," Ginny said.

"Yes, I'm glad Albus has such a good friend."

"Have you seen the way Lily looked at Scorpius?"

"No, why ask?"

"I think Lily likes Scorpius."


"Yeah. But I think it's fine. Scorpius is a gentlemen."

"Oh Ginny, they are still very young. You won't have to worry about until a couple of years later," Harry laughed.

"Yeah, you're right," Ginny said giggling, kissing Harry's cheek, "Let's sleep."

The couple went up to their room, side by side, "Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Ginny."

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