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Nine Months Later. 

    Shane helps me through the hallway with one arm around my waist, we walk slowly as my long hair cascades around one side of my neck. One of my hands rests gently on my tiny round stomach that seems to be growing more and more as the months go by.  Neither of us have any idea when the due date will be, which makes this all the more exciting for Shane and I.
    "At what point are you going to let me make your meals for you?" Shane asks carefully. He's worried I'm using too much of my energy and that I should preserve it. I don't want him to worry so much.

    I grunt softly at the tiny movement in my stomach.  "You already do so much for me; I can manage to get my own meals." I persist. But Shane continues me down the little hallway until reaching the dinning hall. His hand grasps the ladle which scoops the cooked deer meat onto my plate, he adds in the cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as a side of berries in a small bowl for afterward.
His arm returns around my waist while leading me to the tank next to Beth, Glenn, Maggie, Elizabeth, Alec, and most of the other familiar faces that aren't off doing their morning chores or routines.

"Good morning, Molly." Elizabeth greets in sophistication; her words drip smoothness. "How are you feeling today?"

"Fine; thanks. How are you?" I reply fondly. My fingers grab the fork while biting into my food, Shane sits on my other side in an almost protective manner.
"We are all just so excited for the big day. I want to make some little hats and socks for when the time comes." She crooned making a grin.

"I know, we're pretty excited about it too." I dote. I'm feeling as smiley as the Cheshire Cat right now just thinking about Shane becoming a father.
My eyes flicker over to Shane who seems to look just as happy as the rest of the group; I lean into his arm momentarily. From the moment Shane and I found out I was pregnant again, we were both overcome with joy. He won't admit it, but I could have sworn I saw his eyes twinkling with tears of happiness in them. But it wasn't hard to figure out that I was pregnant again given the many symptoms I had been showing; we had put two and two together.   I'm not afraid of this, I'm not afraid that something will happen or worried about if I'll be any good at being a mother. I want this so much; and I couldn't picture my life any differently.

   Maybe in another life if the world would have continued its normal pace of being I would be off at a college in another state; or working some intern job for the time being. But I have no doubt in my mind that Shane and I would have crossed paths again and fallen in love all over again. But this is my life now, this is our beautiful life here and I love it this way.  Being here with Shane, being married to him, and having another blessing of carrying is child is no doubt such happiness to me.

     Carl takes a seat across from me which interrupts my thoughts. He grins widely allowing the blue in his eyes to light up. He is so excited about becoming a uncle. "How are you feeling today?" He asks cheerily.

    "I'm not having any morning sickness, it's a good day." A grin back; everyone chuckles brightening the room.

      "Do you think it will be a boy or a girl??" Carl questions enthusiastically. I let out a small laugh as does Shane; Carl has only asked us this question ten times now.

"We'll see, bud." Shane answers smoothly.

"I hope it's a boy." Carl sounds extremely hopeful.

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