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The sun is unusually bright today making the crisp air feel warmer than it should. After eating some fruit from the tree in the backyard, I chased it down with some water before warming some water at the fire Shane made outside. A hot bath is much needed and since Shane is going to be busy trying to get a radio signal today, I figure I can take the time to relax after gardening all day yesterday.
When I'm dressed, my damp hair clings to my shirt while I brush through it before going back outside to find Shane. The front door opens, my eyes scan the front of the yard but I don't see him anywhere. Maybe he's in one of the bedrooms and I just didn't see him on my way out? As I check the bedrooms, he isn't there either. My instincts are telling me not to panic, to stay calm, I'll go check the back yard—He isn't there either. When my heart begins pounding wildly against my chest, my thoughts begin to run away from a logical possibility. Instead, I begin to fear the worst for him. What if one of those things got him and I just didn't hear it because I was too busy taking a bath? What if he went for a walk and those things still got him? My teeth take my bottom lip in between them while my eyes scan the backyard fervently, the car is still here so that means he couldn't be too far away.

"Shane?" My voice calls out from the backyard, nothing. No answer. When I try the front yard again, I call him a little bit louder this time. "Shane?" A few seconds go by but panic still sets into my mind.
As I start walking to the side of the house toward the spacey back yard, the feeling of a hand on my shoulder causes me to turn around and scream piercingly loud. My chest relaxes once I look up realizing it's just Shane, confusion floods my expression while he looks down at me seemingly shocked by my loud scream.

"Where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you" I say questioning him with a hint of frustration in my tone, I'm not really frustrated with him. I was just scared.

"I was in the car, I had to try and fix the radio to see if it was the wiring for why we haven't been able to reach anyone" He says, his hand cups my face. "I didn't mean to scare you" Within an instant I'm melting at his words and his touch. He pulls me in for a hug as I take in his scent to make sure this isn't all a dream, kissing him, being here with him, feeling his heartbeat when I lay my head on his chest at night. My senses reassure me as I take in the smell that's better than the sweetest dessert—No it isn't a dream, it's better. This is real. "I'll never let anyone or anything hurt you, understand?" He says, I look up at him to meet his eyes nodding my head understandingly.

"We've been out. We've been combing these woods looking for her and she was in there all along? You knew?" Shane says, hounding Maggie and Hershel. My arms come up and fold over my chest, I can't be quiet anymore—He needs to leave them be, they are grieving.

"Shane, stop it" I tell him, he looks over toward me briefly.

"Leave us alone" Maggie says looking at him, her expression as upset as she should be. I want to be of some consolation to her.

"Maggie, I don't believe any of you knew and—" I begin, Shane interrupts me.

"She doesn't believe that, but I do" Of course he does.

"Hey, Shane, just stop, man" My dad interrupts, he tries to grab Shane by placing a grip around his arm, I can already foresee how this is going to go.

"Get your hands off me" He snaps, jerking his arm away from my dads hold.

"I—" Hershel tries to speak but is interrupted.

"You knew and you kept it from us" Shane continues barking at them.

"I didn't know" Hershel responds, his eyes are saddened.

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