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"Girl go find your daddy, oh my god." Kyaira frowned, half asleep. She was awoken after feeling slobber drooling down her face, and she knew for a fact it wasn't hers.

"Mama. Mama. Mama." E'maija babbled, creating a suction on Kyaira's cheek, making her groan in annoyance.

"I just went to sleep an hour ago." She childishly kicked her feet, sitting up with her baby in her arms.

E'maija held onto her mom while giggling, currently being carried sideways on her torso while Kyaira searched for Amazi and Jordyn.

She could hear laughing from the living room, and she headed that direction, chuckling at her baby that was acting like she was having the time of her life.

"Hey baby, look!" Jordyn smiled at Kyaira while pointing to Amazi, and once he turned around, her eyes went wide.

"No fucking way." Kyaira put E'maija in the playpen with her sister, Errielle, and then she stood in front of a smiling Amazi.

"Why would you do this Mazi?" She frowned, holding his face where his scruffy beard used to be, now shaven low. It still had the shape, it just wasn't as thick anymore.

"What? My shit ain't patchy no more." He chuckled, letting her analyze his face.

"It looks good. He let me cut it." Jordyn laughed, not even knowing why he'd trusted her to do that. It came out way better than she expected though.

"My poor baby. Your face is bald now." Kyaira's frown softened, and he laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yo mama's is though." He childishly stuck his tongue out at her, laughing again after she hit his chest.

"Bald face ass." She shook her head while sitting down on the couch, watching him walk over to their daughters.

"Wassup lil E and big E? What daddy looking like?" He picked them both up, letting them see him without his full beard.

The nicknames derived from the size difference between the two. Errielle was bigger than E'maija, despite them being born only an hour apart, but it wasn't too noticeable-just a nickname that stuck.

Errielle scratched at his face, not even recognizing his no longer full beard, and Kyaira chuckled as E'maija babbled carelessly.

"This why I ain't having no more kids." He sat in the open space between Jordyn and Kyaira, shaking his head.

"I second that." Kyaira caught Errielle from falling, listening to her giggle as if she wasn't about to plummet face first into the marble floors.

"Hey baby. You so pretty pooh butt." She kissed her cheek, and then smacked her lips once she began tugging at her boob, signaling she was hungry.

Kyaira passed her over to Jordyn, who pulled down her shirt, allowing her to latch on to her nipple. As soon as she did so, E'maija been whining, most likely jealous that she wasn't eating as well.

"Amazi go make some bottles. Damn, be useful." Jordyn shook her head at him as E'maija latched on to Kyaira's boob, and he held her middle finger up.

"Sassy ass." She sucked her teeth, and he looked over at her with a blank look, making her laugh.

"Not too much on my man. Tell her bae. Say 'not too much on me'." Kyaira nudged his shoulder, and he rolled his eyes at both of them.

"Okay then mr.sassy. The hell." She waved him off, and Jordyn laughed, shaking her head again.

She watched as Amazi and Kyaira bickered with one another, drifting into her own thoughts. She didn't know where she would be without her small and not-so-normal family.

Even being as different as they were, she wouldn't trade them for anything in the world because to her? Nothing else could even amount to the love she had for them.

Their two month anniversary was coming up in a few weeks, and it was so hard to believe. If somebody would've told her that she'd be here one day, as cliche as it sounds, she'd never believe it.

Two fiancés, and two daughters? The perfect family? All for her? No way, not possible; but yet everyday was actual living proof of just how easily possible it was.

Jordyn was so thankful for everyone in her life today, including her parents and siblings, Amazi's parents, Kyaira's mom, and even her Nonna too. There was so much love surrounding their family, it was a literal blessing.

She'd dreamed for years to meet somebody that would love her and every single flaw of hers as well, somebody who would teach her things and be there for her when she needed them most. And now, she had two of those somebody's.

A literal dream come true.

It was the exact opposite for Kyaira though. Years ago, she figured she would die alone, and she didn't even try to fight that statistic. She didn't look for love like most did because she didn't believe she was worthy of it.

Kyaira felt like she messed up everything she came in contact with-that she would be a fuck up forever because that's just what she did.

Amazi and Jordyn taught her that it was okay to mess and make mistakes, because she was human and that's what humans did. What mattered most is that she learned from every mistake, and she made sure that she did that just so she wouldn't lose the greatest things that'd happened to her.

After the loss of her father and her first child, life got real hard and very dark for her. She wouldn't have imagined in a million years that her boyfriend and his girlfriend would be the ones to bring that light back into her world-but here they were.

And now, all three of them had brought something greater than they could ever be into this world. Two beautiful daughters-their fresh start, and the very first chapter into their brand new life together.

World, here they come.

I thought I was in a movie with that last line 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm literally so funny that it's crazy. Anyways, the end. Love you bye 🫶🏻

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