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Amazi's hand trailed slowly down the nape of Kyaira's back while she slept on top of him, her face resting on his chest

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Amazi's hand trailed slowly down the nape of Kyaira's back while she slept on top of him, her face resting on his chest.

While making sure she stayed asleep, his attention was on his phone, currently texting Jordyn about coming to see her later today.

He had been over Kyaira's house the last two days, and hadn't even been back to work yet. Getting to know her had been the main thing on his mind during this time.

Surprisingly, he had been able to call Jordyn from time to time while Kyaira either slept or showered, and was apparently more sneakier than he thought. Neither of the two had become suspicious yet.

While trying to figure out which one of them he wanted more, it was becoming clearer to him that he most likely wanted both. He just hoped that he could keep his time dispersed evenly between the two so that they didn't know something was up.

Amazi's eyes trailed to the top of his screen after seeing that Jordyn texted him back, and he opened up their text thread.

Amazi's eyes trailed to the top of his screen after seeing that Jordyn texted him back, and he opened up their text thread

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He chuckled, typing on his keyboard to text her back. The slight vibration from his chest caused Kyaira to stir in her sleep, and once he sent his message he put his phone on Focus, then sat it on the side of him.

"You up baby?" He put his hands under her arms to pull her up on him, and she frowned in her sleep.

"Move." She mumbled, tilting her head after he began kissing her face.

"Nah. It's time for you to get up 'cause I'm bored." He kissed her jaw, before resting his face in the crook of her neck.

She wrapped her arms around him, attempting to doze back off as he softly caressed her body with his hands.

"Amazi," She frowned as he began kissing her skin, and she knew that he wasn't about to let her go back to sleep.

He hummed in response, chuckling as she pushed away from him with attitude evident in her expression.

"Yo attitude bad as hell Kyaira. Why you mugging me?" He chuckled, standing up to follow her into her bathroom.

She ignored him, grabbing a face towel and a bottle of cetaphil wash from her bathroom closet, beginning her morning routine.

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