Lucifer x Reader - Cow Issues

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(Y/N) pov:

"What in the entire Devildom is that beast doing in the house?"

Many people would not run into this situation, and I know I most certainly wouldn't under normal circumstances. Staring Lucifer down as he stands utterly mortified and completely enraged in the doorway, I slowly move out of his direct line of sight. As I previously stated, this is normally a downright terrifying situation; however, when the Prince of the Devildom is on your side all fear disappears because the strongest demon is your protector.

"Lucifer, it's a cow. You hurt Mr. MooMoo's feelings. He is not a beast." states Satan, the knowing smirk barely hiding his laugh. He knows he's egging on his elder sibling.

Slowly, a vein begins to bulge on Lucifer's porcelain forehead, "You named... a... cow?!"

"Yes," chuckles out Barbatos while gesturing to Lord Diavolo fanning over Mr. MooMoo, "The Young Lord decided that it was an appropriate name for the herbivore."

Cue Lucifer looking like he might explode, slowly I walk over and gently massage his hand while whispering to him, "Lucifer..."

"Well, so far he hasn't caused any problems so it seems to be okay so far," whispers Barbatos to Lucifer outside of the hearing of the other brothers.

Taking a rare glance up from his video game, Levi looks around the chaos of the room, "I honestly couldn't care either way what happens with Mr. MooMoo."

"Well," states Satan, cackling, "The simple pleasure of Lucifer being angry is all it takes for me to be on board with it."

Glaring, I give Satan a warning, "Satan, don't push it. This is not the time to be a comedian."

"I bet I could make a wonderful skincare routine from the milk!" exclaims Asmo in utter excitement.

Dragging Lucifer behind me, I pull him onto the couch and sit right down on his lap. Even though he's silenced himself, his rage is still there beneath the surface. He's so tense I can feel his rock-hard muscles. Wiggling around, I position myself perfectly in his lap to make me cause him to gain that beautiful dusting of red on his cheeks and for me to be completely comfortable.

Subtly grabbing me by the back of my head, Lucifer gives my hair a little yank, "Watch yourself (Y/N), or I'll be seeing you alone tonight."

"Maybe," I whisper seductively to my completely turned-on demon, "that's my intention."

"You're playing a dangerous game (L/N)..." hisses Lucifer in my ear.

Turning around, I face Lucifer head-on, "Well then, let's play later tonight."


"If you're not there at six pm sharp (Y/N) (L/N) I will come and drag you to my room myself," he whispers in my ear while gently grazing his canines on my neck.

Little Skip to Mammon's pov:

*Inside of zhe head* I wonder how much money I could make off of the milk... GRIMM COME RAINING DOWN ON ME! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

After that interesting little commercial break... Return to (Y/N) pov:

"I just want to drink some milk!!!!!!" exclaims Beel, a happy expression slipping onto his face.

Laughing, Solomon just watches the entire spectacle as it is going down, "Honestly, can I just experiment on Mr. MooMoo?"

The chorus shout of no was a hilarious sight to behold.

"Well, I just think it's cute!" exclaims Simeon, happiness lacing his voice.

Luke is almost like a little puppy jumping up and down in excitement, "I just want to drink milk with my cookies!!!!"

"Boys," I state out loud to everyone. They all look up at me and I just chuckle, "You named him Mr. MooMoo, and you're trying to milk his d*ck. That's all!"


Hi everyone! So, here's the low down. New meds, counseling, and family sh*t, and as such I am drained and running all over. Anywho... who like BuLl MiLk???? 0.o lol. This tiny writing is courtesy of an idea given to me by Aki, and I just thought it was hilarious so I said eh let's go for it. I also got extra spicy on you guys tonight because why not. When writing Mammon's part I literally thought of the commercial 'Dooo do do do do dooo'. Don't know why I wanted to share that or why I thought you would understand the do do's but eh. Anyway, if you have any questions, requests, etc just hit me up. Sorry for being absent, and to be honest I'll probably be absent unless I get requests just because requests make me feel double obligated to write. Thanks so much, guys!!!!!

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