Simeon x Reader - Stay with Me

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(Y/N) pov:

The rain slaps the window. Pish, pish, pish. Impatient and loud. It hits the side of the house, assaulting the worn paint and tired windows. The curtains are pulled back, revealing the slate grey sky outside.

The grand piano of the music room is sitting there, old and sophisticated. I however am laying beneath it. The pillows have been situated to support my back and a wonderful little escape has been created on this dreary day. I dare not stray from my little nook, for the one simple fear as this: It's dangerous when it rains. You may ask me why. After all, what or who could hurt me with all of the brothers so closely near to me. That however is exactly what I fear. For when it rains, they remember.

They remember her. I never met her, nor do I know her face. It's an enigma to me, hidden in the depths of solely their memories. Regardless of this fact, I feel like I know what she looks like anyway. I feel like she's here next to me, even though that is impossible. There's no rhyme or reason to my thoughts, but they feel right. The warmth embued in her sapphire blue eyes, and her matching brown hair framed her slim face. Her white dress clings to her body, perfectly framing her beautiful frame. A sage green silk fabric wrapped around her hips, secured by a golden brooch. With sleeves of white, and armbands of gold to adorn her arms. Her pure white wings lifted above her curled around herself as if protecting her body. I don't need an explanation for this ethereal figure, nor do I need a photo. I know quite well who she is... Lilith. The resemblance to... never mind.

These days that embody her memories scare me because it changes them. The brothers on these cold and drizzly days often seem to lose themselves into fits of all-encompassing depravity of all-consuming rage. It changes faster than a spring day, so much so that I am never safe. Thankfully, I shall not be here for much longer, for Simeon is coming to whisk me away and help me go somewhere where I can read my Spanish books in peace. It cannot come sooner though, for every second here is far too long.

Time drags on. The seconds stretch into minutes, playing with the grand clock of time. Slowly they pass, much too slowly for my liking. Who knows what's going on? Maybe Time from Wonderland has lost control of his seconds and minutes. Maybe Doctor Strange is playing with the Time Stone, but in a flash, all of those thoughts leave my mind.

Click, click... Emerging from the security of my hide-away, I approach the window where the little pebbles barely hit the window. Opening the windows, the old wood creaks as hundreds of years are put to the test. The wind whipped up like an old faerie of yore, pushing me back into the ground. Water begins to rain in, wetting the bench seat and the carpet in the ancient music room.

Suddenly, a tuft of brown hair peeps over the ledge of the windowsill. "(Y/N)?" comes a quiet whisper.

"Simeon," I whisper as I quickly get off of the ground. "I'm here, please hurry! They'll realize any moment now!"

"Trust me," he whispers, gazing into my eyes.

Nodding, I carefully place my legs over the sill and fully expose myself to the frigid water plummeting out of the sky. "Your angel form is magnificent Simeon," I whisper, gazing at him while trying not to slip off of the building.

"Thank you," he mumbles, as he grabs me under the legs and puts an arm around my back. "Hold on around my neck, please."

CRACK! We both look to see the mohagony door being broken in two. Wood splinters launched all over the music room. A moment longer inside, and one would have killed me right where I was. The ancient carvings on the wood seem to be screaming in pain, almost as if they're alive. Desperately crying for help against the cold world.

"WHO! LOCKED! THIS! DOOR!?" comes a voice. Deep, angry, unrecognizable, and... demonic. The voice is so grotesquely misshapen that there is no means of identifying the speaker, but to only have instinct. One single instinct. To leave this forsaken place behind.

Before whoever is on the other side can ram into the door again, or I'm able to say a word, Simeon heaves his wings, and just like that, we're in the open sky. Simeon glows, like a star gliding through the oppressive darkness of the Devildom. Gracefully, he arcs through the sky like a swan through a crystal lake dancing its ballet in front of the world. His arms feel steady and warm, like two ropes keeping me secured to a ship in the middle of the violent storm. He doesn't talk, at least not with his words. However, he discreetly pulls my head into his shoulder, cheek nuzzling the crest of my head in a reassuring gesture.

Eventually, we begin to lose altitude as Simeon slowly descends to the steps of Purgatory Hall. By this time, we're both drenched and cold, but I don't care so long as I'm safe. The intricate doors of teal, gold, and white slowly open, and light from the open door stretches out on the ground and illuminates our glistening faces. Solomon and Luke come rushing out with umbrellas and quickly usher the two of us inside.

Not before long, two heavy wool blankets are draped over our shoulder as we are both placed in front of the fireplace. The blankets are heavy with years of experiencing these rainy days, the cold snowy nights, and the late lonely nights. Their greys, reds, and blues have long faded giving them an old and loved look. The fireplace is intoxicating. Flickering reds, oranges, and yellows dancing around each other as the wood slowly turns to grey and flaky ash.

Humans are like fire. They live as long as there is wood, or their 'life force' to live. We dance and dance around in a confined pit our whole lives, with different emotions to accompany us. The red angers, the orange liveliness, and the yellow envies, but there is so much more that influences us. The type of wood affects the smell, just like the parenting or culture affects us. Some jump higher, reaching for the higher ledges, while others burn low and slow. Some go wild and destroy lives while some can barely destroy a single strand of grass. Someone or something blows air or knowledge into us we thrive, if not, we slowly dwindle down to nothing. Humans are renewing and destructive... so-

"Hey," comes a whisper, shattering its way into my thoughts. "What are you thinking about so intently? Anything I can help you with?"

Exhaling, I lean into Simeon's side. Safe. Warm. "Oh, nothing much. I was just thinking about how humans are like fire."

"Hmmm, a wise and far beyond your years comparison. However, let me remind you. While fires rage for a short period of time, they always cease. When they do, they leave behind the chance for a fresh start. For younger plants to grow and show their potential and give to the web of life. Everything has its own evils and its own ability to do good, so long as you remember that." he whispers gently rubbing circles with his thumb while holding my hand.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I lean into his touch and lay my head on his lap. "How do you always say the perfect thing, at the perfect time?"

"Well..." he chuckles. "It's kind of my thing isn't it."

"Indeed." I chuckle a little with him. "Stay with me?"

"I'll stay with you forever (Y/N)."

In this warm room, snuggled under a warm blanket, I realized exactly who I could always lean on. For I look like her. For I am her replica with my chocolate brown hair and my matching azure eyes. For I am her mini portrait, and her still alive. I look exactly like my ancestor... Lilith.

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