Everybody x Reader - A Million Dreams

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Third-person pov:

While (Y/N) was out getting groceries for dinner, the entire group was currently chatting away in the House of Lamentations. (Y/N), much to Barbatos's and Solomon's displeasure, insisted that they would make a human world dinner alone. Barbatos was rejected since she wanted to make dinner on her own, and as for Solomon... does that really need an explanation?

She had no idea how grateful she would be that she was absent...

(Y/N) pov:

"Hey, guys I'm... back?" I hollered as I walked into the House of Lamentation's living room only to find a ton of children. "Oh no..."

Instantly they all start to cry and so I begin the mad scramble of trying to calm all of the crying babies down. After finding the main criers, the whole problem quickly de-escalated and I was able to make heads to tails of who was who and what age. Thank heavens they all have different hair colors.

Aging wise, Satan and Luke were the youngest, seeing as they are newborns. Beel, Belphie, and Solomon are all roughly two months old, whereas Mammon, Levi, and Asmo are about three-ish months old. Lastly, Dia, Lucifer, Barbatos, and Simeon are all roughly four months old.

"What am I going to do with all of you? How am I going to take care of all of you!" I exclaim. "Well, let's start with some food shall we."

Swearing on everything holy on Earth, I swear baby Beel just let out a yeah! I SWEAR HE DID! Giggling, I try to go and get some stuff from the kitchen, but I quickly realize that that ain't going to happen. One, I can't leave twelve babies unattended. Two, Mammon and Levi are already starting to fight. Three, I can't carry all of them at once and as I said, I am not leaving them unattended. I know what I must do...

Pulling out my phone, I quickly dial my uncle. "Hey, Uncle Stephen... can you maybe teleport Aunt Nat and Peter, high school Peter, here? I'll send you a picture... it's kind of an emergency."

A while later, after fully explaining the situation, a portal opens into the living room, and in walks Uncle Loki. "I heard you have a problem?"

"I... yeah?" I question.

Uncle Loki smirks a little but nods his head. "Natasha and Starkson are on a mission, and since this is a magical issue, I was picked in case something else goes wrong."

"You do know Peter's last name is Parker, right?" I ask him, still smiling though.

"I do," he says, but then gets a little mischievous glint in his eye. "But I kill two birds with one stone with that nickname."

Nodding, I pick up baby Belphie and prevent him from crawling into the fire. "I suppose you do. Can you watch them while I go and blend some apples for them to eat?"

"Of course, however, I'll go blend them up since you know these kids better than I do and their names," he states as he grabs the groceries and walks out of the room.

Suddenly realizing something, I rush over to the door. "Make some baby milk instead! They can't eat blended foods!"

"Do we have any?!" I hear from across the house.

"No," I yell back. "Can you pop over to the grocery store and grab some!?"

"Sure! Where is the grocery store!?" yells back Uncle Loki.

Sometime later, after many map directions, GPS, and a rundown of the fact that if a demon attacks him he can stab him, Uncle Loki goes off to the store while I stay behind to watch the ever impatient babies.

Breaking up fights over toys, cuddle buddies, and blankets, we eventually come up with the snuggle arrangements: Diavolo and Barbatos, Simeon and Solomon, Lucifer and Mammon, and Asmo, Belphie, and Beel. The twins are definitely the most lenient of the children, other than Simeon and Barbatos.

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