Mammon x Reader - Shirts and Lilacs

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Mammon pov:

I'm in danger... hehehe. (*Sweat drop*) I didn't mean to. Really I swear I didn't. Lucifer is currently yelling in my ear about how I've messed up, yet again.

"Not only have you terribly messed everything up! You also included (Y/N) in all of this mess!" He yells furiously into my ear.

Suddenly, the sound of crying pierces through the silence and effectively stops all of the yelling. Gently, I start to coo and bounce (Y/N) on my hip. Now you may be wondering how I'm bouncing her, and I'll tell you. I accidentally cursed (Y/N) to the age of four. Yeah... I messed up.

Quickly, I smooth her hair away from her face as I gently rock her back and forth in my arms. "Shhh, shhh. It's okay (Y/N). I'm right here. Yeah! See! Your first man is right here."

"Fwist Mam." stutters out the little tod.

My heart lights up with joy and I give her a huge smile. "Yeah, now you're gettin' it! Can you say Mam-mon?"

"Mam mam." she giggles out.

Placing my forehead against her's I continue cooing to her. "Close enough sweetheart. Mam mam is perfect. Do you want to hang out with me for a little bit?"

"Yeah!" she exclaims.

Looking at Lucifer, he seems to have called down a great deal. After giving me a rant about how I was responsible for little (Y/N), he quickly left and supposedly went back to his work. However, I quickly looked at (Y/N) and noticed that something needed to change.

"Hey (Y/N), how about we go and find one of my shirts to wear, ok? I'll let ya pick." I murmur to her quietly so she'll stay calm.

She bobs her head and I carry her over to my closet. I pick her out a black shirt, but that is quickly shut down by the boisterous little girl. Next, I present her with a white shirt, and that too is turned down. Finally, I show her a yellow shirt, which seems to satisfy her little mind. As modestly as I can, I help the struggling little human into the yellow shirt and have her turn so I can double-check that she is content. Thank heaven's she is out of her adult shirt and cough cough bra cough cough.

"You look so pretty sweetheart," I whisper as I pick her up and give her a piggyback ride.

She squeezes her tiny arms around my neck and buries her head between my shoulder blades. "Rweally?"

"Really. Now, what do you want to do?" I question the teeny girl.

"Uwmm... how abwout lwooking at da flowers?" she asks me.

I open the door and start to walk out to the house's garden. "That sounds fun, alright."

We make our way through the house and carefully dodge my rather annoying siblings. After all, Asmo will try to play dress-up with (Y/N), Beel and Belphie will try to snuggle with her, Satan will probably try to read to her, and of course, Levi will probably pass out from fear and shock.

Eventually, we make it out to the garden and are surrounded by all sorts of different flowers. We walk around for a while, and I make sure to hold (Y/N)'s little hand so she doesn't trip. I show her the Devil's Nightshade (I imagine black and blue flower with white spots), the Prince's Fire (Imagine Dia's hair color, and it is named after him. It is not like a rose), and lastly, I lead her to a very special tree plant.

"Do you know what this plant is (Y/N)?" I ask while kneeling next to her.

She adorably squints at the flower. "A lilac?"

"Yes. A month after you came here, Lord Diavolo asked you if you could bring any plant to the Devildom, what would you bring? That's how there is a lilac tree in the garden, just for you. It's magically kept alive, watered, and given sunlight thanks to Lord Diavolo and Lucifer. It's your special tree." I explain, her cute little hand gently clasping onto a flower. "Do you want to bring some inside with us?"

"Yeah!" she exclaims with joy lighting up in her little (eye/color) eyes.

After a couple of minutes of picking lilacs, we head inside and put the flowers in a vase with water. When we get back to my room, we place the flowers right down next to my bedroom window.

Suddenly, I hear a little yawn next to my leg. "(Y/N)? Are you tired?"

"No." she counters, while another yawn escapes her delicate lips.

Shaking my head, I pick her up and carry her over to the couch and sit down. After a couple of painstaking minutes, I manage to find a human Barbie movie and start it. About an hour in, I notice that the little bundle of human that I wrapped in a blanket has completely stopped moving. Shifting the blanket ever so slightly, I see that her precious little eyes are closed and she is fast asleep.

"Sleep tight (Y/N). I'll hold you tight all night long." I whisper, giving her a little peck on the forehead.

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