Diavolo x Reader - Emotions Concealed in Color

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Diavolo pov:

The trees sway in the soft breeze as their emerald leaves create a little pattern dancing in the wind. Clouds float like soft white marshmallows through the eternally dark sky. The midday stars shine causing a slightly brighter glow than at night, lending what light they can to their surroundings. The exotic flowers of many worlds grace the royal garden. Their beautiful colors dance along with the leaves in the wind. Neons, deep colors, and pastels merge into a mosaic of color and beauty.

Turning around, I walk off of my balcony and into my room to find my perfectly pressed and organized red suit. It's the same suit I wear to RAD every day, but it's always prim, proper, and pressed. Walking over, I dress in the deep red and black outfit with my gold detailing, and lastly, I slip on my RAD badge and chord.

"M'lord, we need to continue on to RAD so that we're on time," states Barbatos appearing behind me.

Turning around, I quickly do one last check of my collar and my cuffs, "Yes, I do believe it is quite time. Shall we?"

(Y/N) pov:

Waking up, I grab the outfit that Asmo carefully laid out for me. Slipping on the outfit, I quickly adjust the monotone-colored outfit before walking to breakfast. The halls are their normal colors, and nothing is out of the ordinary for me. Minding the stairs, I carefully walk down the stairs in the heels Asmo picked out for me. It's such a cute outfit! I absolutely love the appearance of the aesthetic.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!" squeals Asmo as I walk into the dining room, "You look so adorable!!!!!! Red is definitely your color!!!"

Letting out a little chuckle, I sit down in my normal seat by Beel, "Thanks Asmo. After all, I can't see color, so I don't know what I'd do without my stylist."

"Of course darling! It's such a shame you can't see color. The world is so beautiful with color. It's such a shame for you that only royalty can see color," states Asmo, a little sad tone entering his voice along with a little sigh.

Laughing, I turn to Asmo, "Of course, you wouldn't know oh fashionable Sixth Lord; however, this little human has never seen color. As such, it really doesn't bug me that much."

"While this is an interesting conversation," states Lucifer standing up, "We'll be late for RAD if we don't leave."

"Well, time to start the day all over again," I say, grabbing my buttered toast, sliding the rest of my food onto Beel's plate, and heading out of the front door.

Diavolo pov:

"My lord, here are the flowers you requested for (Y/N)," states Barbatos, coming up behind me.

Taking the flowers from him, I head towards (Y/N)'s locker, "Thank you Barbatos, I shall see you later."

Peeling away, Barbatos heads through the quiet halls as I make my way to my predetermined destination. Coming up on (Y/N)'s locker, I quickly unlock it and gently position the flowers and note into the locker. Now all I have to do is wait for my beautiful girlfriend to open her locker when she gets to school.

(Y/N) pov:

Walking up to the locker, I quickly shove my way through the throng of people. Eventually, I made it to the locker. Unlocking my door, I open it up, and the smell of flowers slowly wafts to my nose. It would be near impossible to miss the huge bouquet of gorgeous flowers in my locker. Their soft shades of grey and their wonderful smell ease my senses. Now, what was near possible to miss? The note that fell out of the flowers was next to invisible.

Darling, I have something to tell you. Supper? You, me, outside of the castle? I know I'll see you at some point in the day, so you can give me your answer then. I love you my darling, Dia.

The blush creeps up and into my cheeks as I read his sweet letter. The black ink dances across the slate grey paper. Suddenly, the first bell rings for the day and quickly placing the flowers and note into the locker, I sprint to my first class. I'm sure Lucifer would be so pleased if I was late.

Diavolo pov:

The morning routine was exhaustive, and in the end, I handled council matters all morning instead of making it to class. This has only caused me to itch more and more for (Y/N)'s answer to my note. Especially since I didn't get to sit by her in class like normal.

Walking to the lunchroom, a figure smaller than mine quickly crashes into me almost upsetting my balance. "Dia!!!"

"Hello, darling. I missed you too!" I whisper, pulling her in to my hug and kissing her on the forehead.

Laughing, she pulls away from me and looks me in my eyes, "Of course, I'll come for supper! Where were you all morning? Don't tell me you were overworking yourself again."

Rubbing a thumb over her cheek, I gently pull her in by the small of her back, "Darling, I'm sorry I worried you, but I had some pressing concerns I needed to handle so we could have all of tonight together."

"Mhmm... I'm looking forward to it," she whispers into my chest as I slowly lead us to lunch.

Chuckling, we make it to the lunchroom, "Well, we have to eat lunch before supper, or else I'll be carrying your passed-out form to the House of Lamentation. Oh, and you look ravishing in red my dear."

"Thanks," she barks out through a laugh, "Asmo colored it for me, because after all you know I can't see any colors."

We pass the rest of lunch eating and laughing together until eventually, we have to part for classes. However, I don't really remember what she said because I was hyper-focused on how gorgeous she was. Her hair was gently framing her face as the clothes Asmo carefully curated for her hugged her body in all of the right places. So while we were eating, I ended up giving many glares to other random demons gawking at her in the lunchroom.

Despite my wishes to stay in the recollections of lunch with my beautiful girlfriend, running a country is a never-ending list of tasks to be tackled.

- Skipping to later in the evening after supper due to my excitement to write the next part -

(Y/N) pov:

"Dia that was wonderful! I'm so full I couldn't eat another bite!" I exclaim, laughing as we walk through the park as the street lamps illuminate the way; however, Dia doesn't respond. His eyes just stare ahead, clouded and preoccupied. I stop walking as I slowly massage his hand, "Dia... what's wrong? You're staring into the distance as if a train is crashing at us."

Snapping out of it, Dia looks at me before taking a deep breath, "I'm more nervous now than I have ever been in my entire life."

"Babe, you know you can tell me anything," I state, gently cupping his face.

Nodding, Dia takes a deep heavy breath in before kneeling down in front of me, "(Y/N) (L/N), will you, the most gorgeous woman in the entire world... marry me?"

My hands fly to my mouth as Dia pulls out a gorgeous ring and tears of joy start to pool in my eyes. His vulnerable eyes stare up at me from the ground, "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you!"

Within seconds, the ring is on my finger as Dia picks me up joyfully laughing as he spins me in a circle. He quickly lifts me up off of my feet like in all those movies as our lips connect in the perfect kiss. Perfect, I close my eyes, letting the magic of the moment glaze over me. When my feet touch the ground, the urge to keep my eyes closed and stay there forever is overwhelming.

Slowly, cracking open my eyes, the world seems so bright and different. Tears that were pooling are now falling as I stare at the world in front of me and the love of my life in front of me.

Taking my hand, he swings me in a circle, "Welcome to the world of color, my love, my princess, my future queen."


I LOVED THIS IDEA!!! AHHHHHHHHH!! T.T I needed something sweet and cute and now I'm fulfilled, and I clocked in two days in a row so yay!!!! Love you guys!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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