Everybody x Reader - We All Need a Hero

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3rd person pov:

It's been three days. Three days of them running and hiding, from them. Zooming further into the current moment. (Y/N) and Luke are once more running for safety as their possessed family slowly hunts them down.

They run and run, terror filling their hearts. They don't know where they're going. They only know that they're whirling past the cold grey and black architecture of the Devildom.

Glancing behind them, Luke catches a glimpse of Simeon's cape. "Run! (Y/N), they're right behind us!"

"Luke!? Where are we going to go!?" shouts (Y/N), fear heavily lacing her throat.

Pushing the fear out of his throat, Luke shouts ahead. "We'll lose them in the trees at the border of the Devildom, just run (Y/N)! push yourself as hard as you can!"

"Alright!" exclaims (Y/N). "What if we get separated?!"

"I won't let that happen! Just run and trust me!" exclaims Luke while locking his eyes on a flash of orange hair to his right side. 

Suddenly, Luke's foot hits a cobblestone and trips over. Before he can realize what's happening, something is on him. 

"My, my, my... naughty Luke. I thought you needed the restroom," whispers Barbatos maliciously in his ear.

Luke looked Barbatos right in his coal-black pools of eyes. "You're not our Barbatos."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Luke hears a high-pitched scream in the distance. "LUKE! WHERE! ARE! YOU! NO!"

"RUN (Y/N), I'M ALRIGHT!" screams Luke at the top of his little lungs. 

Without any warning, the possessed Barbatos heaves Luke up into the air. Luke's stomach churns as his eyes land on (Y/N), unconscious, injured, and in Lucifer's arms.

"LET HER GO YOU MONSTERS!!" Luke screams at the possessed demons, angel, and wizard.

Cackling, Mammon comes forward, eyes pure white. "And why would we do that? It's so much fun to play with them."

"Let. them. go. or. I'll. attack. you." Grunts Luke through Barbatos's harshness that he's expelling on his body.

Sneering, Levi grabs Luke by the face. "As if you could do anything pipsqueak."

Luke's pov:

This isn't Levi! This isn't Levi! I have to do it! However, what if it hurts them since they are demons?

In the distance, I can hear them talking about how to best kill (Y/N). I can't let that happen. If only we can reach the forest. It's right there. The grey, cobbled, brick road is already melding away to the forest floor and an old out-of-use dirt road. The trees cast a heavy and ominous shadow, but it doesn't matter. They have to reach the forest front. It's their only chance. 

"I'm sowhy," I say through Levi's hand that muffles my words. 

Without giving them any more time to talk, I begin the most complex and holy blessing I can think of. My feet start to tingle and warmth is flowing through my whole body. Levi and Barbatos are thrown off of me as I continue. The others run towards me attempting to break through and stop me, but they won't. I know my blessings are strong. 

Running forward, I snatch (Y/N) from Lucifer while he's stunned, and continuing the chant I make a beeline for the forest.

Breaking through the underbrush that is cutting into my legs, I run over branches, leaves, and many other things I don't care to imagine. Dodging around trees and trying to get as far away as possible, I soon lose track of where we are. Glancing over my shoulder and seeing nothing, I slow to a walk. 

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