Lucifer x Reader - Need You

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In personal chat

Lucifer: (Y/N), are you awake?

(Y/N): Yeah, Mammon barged in here not that long ago and woke me up. Why?

Lucifer: Since you are conveniently awake, come to my room the minute you get this message. Understood?

(Y/N): Lucifer, what is this about?




(Y/N): Lucifer? Ugh, fine I'm coming.

Third person pov:

After your mysterious conversation with Lucifer, you turn off your DDD and stumble out of your bed. The minute the cold air hits your skin, goosebumps appear on your arms and legs. You can't help but to be slightly annoyed with the request, more like demand, of the eldest sibling. Deciding that you weren't getting any warmer wishing you were in bed, you start to make your way towards the eldest's room.

Slowly as you make your way through the corridors of the old house, the dark wood doors leading into Lucifer's room appear in front of you. After a deep inhale, you place two gentle knocks on the door. What happened next came as a surprise to you. You were expecting a "come in," or "the door's open (Y/N)!" Never in your wildest imagination did it ever cross your mind that this would happen.

Suddenly, and with no warning whatsoever, the door is yanked open with enough force that your hair moves forward with the door's air flow. Before you can even process anything else, you're grabbed by the hand and pulled into a pair of arms as the door closes, just as quickly as it opened.

Your pov:

I'm quickly greeted with the smooth feeling of a satin dress shirt and overcoat buttons against my skin. I can smell the very subtle aroma of mint and musk. The vibrations of his heartbeat through the shirt are fast. His shoulders are trembling, and every breath is rushed... scared.

"Lucifer?" I ask.

He just pulls me tighter, and that's when I feel it. The wetness seeping through my hair and onto my scalp. It's cool and the liquid slowly drips it's way down onto my neck. Worry slowly creeps up onto me. My back shivers in anticipation to whatever bad thing could have happened, and my gut fills with a sense of dread. Before I can even say anything else, a warm coat is draped over my shoulders.

Lucifer's smooth voice trembles as he talks. "Many pardons (Y/N). I pulled you out of your warm bed at this ungodly hour, not that anything down here is godly. I could feel you shiver, so you must be cold out from your blankets. You humans are so delicate. I apologize for asking you to come and have to put up with this wash up of a man."

Wash up! I quickly plant my hands against his chest and push him away from me. Now that I have a full view, I can clearly access the whole situation. The red rimmed eyes, trembling shoulders, messed up hair, undone clothes, and the terrified look on Lucifer's face show no indication of his usually calm and composed self.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. You obviously don't wish to be here with me. You may leave, and return the coat as soon as possible. Many pardons for bothering you." he whispers.

Lucifer's pov:

Her face slacks with shock as I turn her away. What was I thinking? Did I seriously think that she could help, no love, me even when I'm a mess? No she probably only likes me when composed. I'm too ugly when I'm a mess.

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