Mammon x Reader - Haunted Evening

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Your pov:

"Hey! First man!" I yell.

Suddenly, a series of crashes can be heard coming from the Avatar of Greed's upper bedroom balcony. 

In a couple of seconds a white tuff of hair whips around the corner. "Y-Yeah?!"

I let out a quick giggle as my face slowly heats up. I bet my blush is as red as a tomato. So, I may or may not have a small crush on the tsundere. Scratch that, a huge crush. 

"(Y/N), hey what'cha starin' at?" he asks. "Am I just that handsome. I know, who wouldn't want to stare at The Great Mammon?"

That dang twinkle in his eyes. "Actually, I was wondering if you would hang out with me."

"S-Sure! N-Not that I-I w-want to!" he stutters out, face a deep blush. I'm sure I match.

"Anyway, come on or we'll make Lucifer angry." I say, pulling him along by his arm.

He shyly grabs my hand. "Why would Lucifer be mad if we're goin' out together?"

"We're going to the human world, courtesy of Lucifer. So... we need to hurry or we'll piss him off and lose our window of opportunity!" I say, pulling him along even faster. 

Out of breath and panting, we make it to the human world portal just before Lucifer arrived. He just raised an eyebrow in amusement and opened the portal. I wave him a small thanks as my vision goes black and we get sucked through the portal to my pre-chosen destination. 

Before I know it my vision clears and we are at our destination. I quickly walk over to Mammon to check on him. He's just laying there, eyes closed, hair tussled, fully relaxed, and oh so handsome. 

All of a sudden, he jolts up and his lips meet mine. I jerk back in shock, and he follows me. Before I can register anything else, he pulls back and gives me a melancholy look. 

"I'm sorry (Y/N)," he mutters, glancing downward. "I know I just ruined our friendship, but I couldn't handle it anymore. Your smile, the way your hair swishes as you whip around to greet someone, the softness of your hug, and so much more. I-I just c-couldn't hold off a-anymore. I-I'm s-sorry!"

Mammon pov:

I just messed up everything! I just messed up everything! I really am stupid! I just lost my only friend in the whole world! I can't believe I-I-I-I K-KISSED h-her!

She's just starin' at me. "(Y/N)? Are ya - mshsm!"

Oh heaven's above and hell below! She's kissing me! Does she love me? What if she just feels bad? What do I do? Kiss her back ya idiot! Ok, I... I can do that.

Your pov:

Thank everything holy, well unholy, that he kissed back when I lunged at him. "I love you more than the sun, the moon, and the stars Mammon. Now and forever and back again, alright Sweetheart?"

"Perfect!" he whispers stars of shock still in his eyes as he nuzzles into my neck. "Hey babe, where are we?"

"Oh! Right!" I let out a little giggle. "We are at The Devil's Trampling Ground, North Carolina. It's said that the circle we're laying in right now is haunted by the devil and whoever so much as walks into it disappears! It also says that the name is caused by the fact that no vegetation grows here, so it's where the Devil tramples. Cool, right?"

He's frozen in fear, quickly I lean down and kiss his cheek. He suddenly exclaims, "Let's get outta here!"

With that we went to explore the small city near the grounds, laugh the night away, and ended the night and began the next morning by up waking up in Mammon's bed snuggled between the covers.


"No, Dad! You can't go and kill my friends!" yells Diavolo.

Furiously, the Demon King throws a chair across the room. "THAT'S MY TRAMPLING GROUND!"

"DAD, I suggested that they go check it out. Calm down and go get some rest. First time I see you in centuries and your screaming about a stinking circle of dirt." (cue Diavolo's massive facepalm)

The real matter is will they survive Lucifer? Oh well, they have boss level guardian Diavolo on their side.


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