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Tatyana house was filled with people she was friends with and then acquaintances, everything was right where it needed, music playing from the speakers, the red solo cups that were stacked on top of each other rested on the table, snacks and drinks lined up on the table as well, the illuminating lights she had gotten turned the whole room purple.

the only thing she was kind of missing was Steven.

Despite their recent argument Steven still sent her a happy birthday text and said he'd be there because they needed to talk anyway, yet he was nowhere in sight and she was trying not to let it kill her mood.

She sat on the couch with her phone in hand stressing out over him, every time she heard the doorbell ring she'd rush to the door hoping it was him but it was just more of her friends, Isabel and Taylor sat down beside her after noticing that she wasn't exactly enjoying her party "What's wrong with you?" Belly questioned "Nothing" she lied.

"Is it Steven?" Belly questioned and Taylor's facial expression went blank, both of them were already caught up on the latest drama between Steven and Tatyana "Maybe I should text him.. I just need to talk to him about everything" Tatyana sighed in frustration "Don't text him, if he doesn't come you know what's up" Taylor advised.

"What's her issue?" Jeremiah chimed in sitting down on the other side of Tatyana "In her feels about Steven I guess" Taylor sighed "I think he likes Shayla" Tatyana bit the inside of her cheek "How do you know that?" He asked and she went silent

Tatyana saw the way Shayla looked at Steven, like she was so fond of him and it didn't help knowing that Steven might just be taking her to the deb ball, who knew what Shayla could pull if they ever got alone.

Almost thirty minutes passed and Steven still wasn't there but Tatyana was distracted by now, she sat in a circle with Nicole, Taylor, Belly, and Jeremiah playing monopoly.

She withdrew from the game for a quick second after hearing the doorbell ring, the last couple times the doorbell rung it wasn't Steven so she wasn't expecting him, she swung the door open and to her surprise there was Steven, her face softened up and she felt relieved to see him even if they was some tension between them both.

"Happy birthday" Steven smiled handing her a small gift bag "Thank you,"

"You're kinda late.." she pointed out "Sorry, I was just wondering if you still wanted me here or not" He answered "Well.. you said you wanted to talk" She mumbled.

"Yeah, in private" he said as he looked down the hall where he could see a couple of Tatyana's friends "We can go to my room" Tatyana said motioning for him to follow her upstairs.

Steven closed the bedroom door, watching as Tatyana set down the gift bag on her vanity, there was a awkward silence between the two before Tatyana spoke up.

"Steven, I wanna be with you but do you really wanna be with me?" she boldly asked.

"I do, isn't that clear?"

"No it's not, I just feel like you're into Shayla not me" Tatyana expressed as she pushed a strand of her curls out of her face "It's not like that, if you don't want me to take her to the ball I won't" Steven replied, watching her sit down on the chair in front of her desk.

"It's not about me, do you want to take her, do you like her?" She queried, hoping and praying that the answer was no "I like you, I'm just confused why you're so mad about Shayla when you said we're not together, what are we?"

"I don't know what we are, I just know that I like you but," She paused for a second "I don't want to put a label on us or rush into anything, there's still so much that we'd have to work out, you don't even live here and long distance scares me and what about when we both go off to college and we're way too busy to-"

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