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13. Fitting booth


I hated being on the studio right now. I was at the small kitchen, drinking an energy drink after a long time. It tasted good, it wasn't the reason to my mood. It was monday, my weekend was such a mess. Kalf had the courage to tell mother that he's not a doctor anymore. Mom was shocked. They argued.
But I met Aud after a year, she was so happy to see me and we talked long. We talked outside of mom's house while Kalf was trying to tell to mom how he tries to change his life to the one he wants to have.
She got used to it, slowly. And I think she's feeling quilty of how she's been acting towards me. But there hasn't been an apology yet.
And the second thing why I hated being in here, or the real reason.. Tuomas. How I bringed it up that I knew he's not into this industry. He's at his office, didn't even came to say morning to me, like he usually does. I'm scared that he will fire me. Lotta is still sick, and Oliver is coming soon. And I hope he will come faster. I'm nervous that Tuomas will come out of his office, mad as hell.

Just in time the front door opened, I was already sighing because of relief, but it wasn't Oliver.
It was mom. I frowned as she took fast steps towards me.
"Mom, I'm working." I sighed, and then took a big sip of the energy drink.
"Drinking such a poisons are working nowadays? I came to talk about the situation. About Kalf and his job." She stood in front of me. I rolled my eyes and let out another sigh.

"Mom, not now. Whatever Kalf does with his life, it doesn't belong to us. I'm happy for him." I took the last sip of the energy drink, then put it on the kitchen counter. Mom seemed to be frustrated, but also impatient.
Someone walked in from the front door again, and now it was Oliver. I was so happy to see him, and it would be mom's time to leave. She turned to look at Oliver who greeted us while placing his stuff on the big table.
Tuomas also walked out of his office, he didn't look at me.
"Oliver, your photoshoot tomorrow with the graduated young man got cancelled." Tuomas said, looking at him under his eyebrows. My mom immediately turned to look at me suprised, but also smiling. No way.. I told her a lie when Joel was at my house that it was Oliver.. oh dear lord. I hope that she doesn't say anything to him, I don't want Oliver to be involved to my problems. Yeah.. he's already always saving me from Tuomas. And I'm feeling quilty about it.

"Why they didn't contact me?" Oliver frowned disappointed. Tuomas shrugged his shoulders, he didn't care, it was obvious. Before he started to take steps towards the kitchen, he looked at me. His gaze was different than usually. I just decided to go towards the big table, my mom following me.
"You're Oliver? So nice that my daughter has friends." Mom smiled to Oliver. I took a deep breath, Oliver smiled but also looked at me, raising an eyebrow to me.
"You're Freya's mother? I thought she had a sister." Tuomas said from the kitchen, making my mother giggle. Ugh. Tuomas was standing near me then, holding a cup of coffee. I quickly looked up at him, and now he had that smirk on his face again.
What is going on, like really.
"Freya, you have a nice boss. Remember to be nice to him." Mom patted my shoulder, then leaving the studio. Oliver went to the kitchen past us, Tuomas let out a silent chuckle.
"Yeah.. be a good girl." He said with lower tone, quietly. Immediately I turned to look at him with confusion, he smirked and winked before going back to his office. I swallowed.

"Your mother seemed to be like she knows me?" Oliver asked as we were sitting around the table.
I rubbed my forehead eyes closed, my head was hurting.
"I had to lie.. one friend was hiding at my apartment, I had his shirt on and-"

"What? A man?" Oliver almost shouted excited, slamming his hands against the table, it made me flinch and open my eyes.

"It's nothing serious. It was only one night, that's all." I shook my head. Oliver just grinned and nodded, but I think he didn't believe me.

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