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                            1. Photographer


Warm water runned down my body. It was a long day at work, and I felt so tired. To be honest, I think I've just stood in here, in the shower, about thirty minutes. I should go to sleep, tomorrow is a new day and early morning. But so many thoughts were spinning around in my head. I have been planning the upcoming summer. I can't wait to go to festivals and just spend time with myself. And with my friends. I don't know if they are my friends anymore.. they don't really invite me anywhere and it's always me who's asking that, "Do you have anything tomorrow, can we meet?". And for my disappointment they never really have time to meet me. But I've got used to it. I don't care.
I wrapped the white towel around me, I watched my reflection through the mirror and started doing my usual skin care routine.
Tiny and cold water drops fell down from my ginger hair to the floor, they also touched my skin and it made shivers to my body.

I changed my clothes and with hope I checked if I've got any messages. Nothing. I put my phone away and sighing I went to bed, wrapping the blanket around me and feeling warm.
I just closed my eyes and I was so ready to fall asleep already. But then I got a notification. First I didn't react, it can wait until morning.. but I was too curious. I took the phone from the bedside table and only opened my other eye, just in case it wouldn't be important.
But when I saw my boss' name on the screen, I turned on my back and rubbed my eyes for a second.
"Sorry to interrupt you this late, but let's meet tomorrow at 9am. I have a new case for you." I read the message quietly out loud.
I'm not a police or anything, no. I'm a photographer, and we usually talk about cases, or gigs, as our new projects.
I wasn't suprised that my boss was writing me this late, it's not a first time. He's a bit.. flirty with me I think..? Or he's trying to. He's not like that to others.
I don't mind but.. sometimes it's annoying that he's trying to be so nice towards me. Like, too nice.
If I fail, he's not mad. He just pats me in the shoulder and smiles. But to others.. he can be rough.
Or that's what my coworkers has said.
I just texted him that it was okay, and then put the phone away.

I was walking towards the photography studio, drinking my usual morning coffee that I often buy from the closest cafe.
They have the best coffees.
When I just walked in, my boss was already walking towards me smiling. He had his hands on his jeans pockets.
"Morning Freya." He greeted me with his friendly tone.
"Morning, what case you were talking about?" I asked, being professional as always. Or trying to.
I've been working in this studio for a about five years, and he has leaded this place for only six months. And for the whole time he has been like this towards me.
"Yes!" He slammed his hands together as we sat around the big table at the lounge. I placed my bag to the chair that was on my right side, I took a seat and he sat across from me. His laptop was already on the table.

"Okay, so.. weddings." He spread his hands and smiled to me. I just nodded, but not excited.
I have photographed about.. what, twenty weddings?
I'm not a fan really. Yes, I like seeing people being happy and in love but.. they are long days and there are always that one guy who tries to flirt. And he's always drunk, let me say that.

"I know how you feel about them and I promised that this summer I would give these cases to Oliver or to Lotta, but I think you would like this one." He explained, I frowned and looked at him with questioning look.

"I know you love music, am I right?" He smirked, I just nodded and took sip of my coffee, the mug was almost empty.

He looked too excited. What is he going to tell me?

"Well, these are the weddings of the bassist from the band Blind Channel." He said placing his hands on the table with his hands, and then leaning against the back of the chair. He crossed his arms against his chest.

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