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TW: mentions of suicide in the beginning!


Life; the existence of an individual human being or animal.


There are billions of people in this world right now. Babies. Teenagers. Adults. People who are in relationships. And people who are not.

For most of life, people strive to find happiness. They strive to get through the bad times so that better times will come.

no Some people struggle their whole lives to find happiness. Suicide comes from those people. Those people who can't fight anymore. Those people who can't find happiness in life anymore.

Others, they fight, because they find the meaning in life. They keep going because they know in the end, happiness would come to them. Life would all be worth it, and in the end, their life couldn't get any better.

Dixie and Noah fought. They kept fighting. All up until they got their happy ending.

"BABY!" Dixie yelled from the bedroom. Noah rushed in, going to her side. "Yes?" She laughed at his state of panic, grabbing his cheek and bringing him closer to her. "We're hungry," she whispered, pointing to her stomach.

He laughed, touching her bump. "What would my babies like to eat today?" She smiled, a blush coating her cheeks. Even after all this time, he had that flustering effect on her.

"I think that we would like some sushi," she said proudly, smiling wildly at him. "Would you guys like your usual order?" She nodded her head, pursing her lips out for him to kiss. He quickly did, ordering the food afterwards.

"I'm going to go pick the food up my love, do you want anything from the gas station?" She shook her head quickly, replying with a bubbly tone. "You already know what I like."

"Touché," he replied, grabbing the keys from the dresser and giving her one more peck before leaving.

When going into this, the last thing the both of them expected was a lifetime of love with each other. A family. A family that they created on their own. Something that's shared between only the two of them, and their love for one another.

But that's where life took them. That's where they were destined to be; in each other's arms. Forever with each other.

"For Dixie, Noah was the sun, and when the sun comes out, the stars disappear."
-Tsitp (Jenny Han)


Allrrr, there you guys goooo!! OTHER HALF IS OFFICIALLY COMPLETE. I know this chap is super short, but I didn't think anything else needed to be added tbh. I hope you all enjoyed <3

I am truly grateful for each and every one of you guys. Especially the ones who always commented and voted. Your love really meant everything to me.

Ifffff you want to read more from me, I do have two books out on my page that I'm currently working on as well as a oneshot book. I hope you guys decide to read and love those as much as this book. (trust me they deserve more than this for sure)

Till next time;)

Word Count: 514

Other Half- N.B & D.DWhere stories live. Discover now