Chapter 2: Choose

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Dixies POV: Noah getting a promotion was a HUGE deal. He had been waiting for this moment the past 4 years, and to see that the time has finally come, makes me so proud of him. Yes, Noah is definitely fun, but when it comes to work, he couldn't be more serious. He works so hard, and I need to show him that it was all worth it. I mean, becoming the boss is kinda a huge deal.

I had already talked to everyone about doing something for him, and yes, even Griffin. He was actually the first person I told. I just wanted to make sure that if he didn't agree, I wouldn't have to go around telling all of our friends never mind. To be fair though, I most likely would've still done something even if Griffin didn't agree. And I think we all know why.

I needed today to go perfect, I have already set up a picnic, just for me and Noah, then afterwards I'm planning on all of our friends surprising him at his apartment. I gave Bryce the key, so he was in charge of the decorations. I ok the other hand was in charge of making sure Noah was happy.

I walked to his job, knowing that if I took my car, it would be left. Luckily the office wasn't too far away from my apartment. I needed to go all out, so before I got there I stopped at Starbucks. Getting his favorite Drink, a iced caramel macchiato. Off to surprising my bestie now!

I got to the office, making my way to his new desk. I stopped in front observing my best friend in action. Being the boss really did suit him. "Hey boss man!" I loved joking around with him, it was our way of showing love.

"Hi favorite person in the world. What brings you by." He also loved joking around, but we all knew that already. "Well my best friend got a promotion, and I have a surprise for him. Do you have any idea where he is?"

"You know, I'm not sure. I'll go check." We both laughed. I'm surprised we even lasted that long. "Come on, follow me. Oh, and give me your keys, I'm driving." He laughed as soon as I said driving. He likes to often make fun of me saying that I suck at driving. Which by the way, I totally don't.

"Okay fine." He placed his key in my palm. "Just please don't kill us." Of course he had to go there. He always does. "I'll try my best." I love the way we communicate, it's so fun and cheerful.


As soon as we sat in the car I was questioned. "Sooo, where are we going?" Haha, he really thought I was gonna tell him. "See, thats for me to know, and for you to find out." I'm not spoiling the surprise. I always do, but this time, I swear I'm not.

I'm excited for this little picnic. Recently, since both of us have been super busy, we haven't been able to hang out as much, and when we do, it's always around other people. Having some time to ourselves should be really nice.

When we got to the lifeguard tower near the beach and bridge, I told Noah to close his eyes. I just quickly set up a little Blanket, our coffee, and some food. "Okay, open your eyes." When he opened his eyes he looked pleased. "Thank you dix, I really needed this." Aww he can be so cute sometimes. "Of course, what are best friends for."

He quickly hugged me, lifting me off the ground. I returned the favor by hugging him back. His hugs were my favorite, they made be feel... content. After our hug, we sat down, enjoying the beautiful view, and listening to what we had to say.

"How's it feel being the boss?" I of course had to ask him that. It was the whole reason we were celebrating. "It feels good. Definitely overwhelming, but with you on my side, I should be just fine." He always knew how to make me soft. It was one of his many skills.

"So, did you ever wash your face?" I of course had to keep in messing with him. "Nope. Never washing it again. Ever." He bursted out laughing, something about his laugh just made me laugh.

"You better not, I would be very offended." I could do this for hours. Just sit here, laughing and having a good time with my best friend.

Noah's POV: I knew Dixie was going to go all out and do something for me. We both loved celebrating special occasions with each other, and seeing how much she cared about my promotion, made its 10 times better.

My alone time with Dixie is something that I cherish. Since Griffin came around I haven't had much of it. I'm all for her being happy, but come one does she have bad taste. She couldn't have found someone who had a tiny bit more trust.

Either way, I was half to have my alone time with her. Dixie was one of the only people who understood me. She was also one of very few who actually knew me and what kind of person I am. As she liked to say, we understand each other.

Dixies POV: The time has come where we need to leave. As much as I want to stay, we have a surprise party we need to get to. "You ready?" He was hesitant, knowing that I definitely could've stayed here longer. "Mhm. Sure." He definitely doesn't trust me, but it's fine, because after this, he's gonna have the time of his life.

We got in the car and drove to his apartment. I think him seeing his own home made him feel a little bit more comfortable. We got up to i hi is door and as soon as I opened it, a bunch of different voice yelled 'surprise', only one didn't, and I think we all know who. But that doesn't matter, right know what matters is Noah, and only Noah.

"I knew it!" He totally didn't, there's no way. "Just keep telling yourself that." We both laughed and got straight to partying.

I didn't leave Noah's side one bit. I know how he feels about our alone time, so making sure that he sees my number on importance is him today, is my number one priority. Of course that just had to be ruined though.

"Can we talk?" Griffin. Why now? Out of every other day and time, he chose now. "But I'm with Noa-" "Dixie it's fine. I'll be right here when your done." I appreciate noah for understanding, but that still doesn't make me feel any better.

I followed Griffin into the kitchen. I could tell he was annoyed, but I wasn't paying too much attention. I was more focused on the fact that he made me leave Noah. "I'm sorry that I'm doing this, but I have to. Me or Noah?" I know that he did not just do that. Is he really that insecure and jealous.

"What?" I don't want to believe it. My boyfriend of 3 years is making me choose between him or my best friend. "You heard me Dixie. I can't keep dating you if your gonna put all your attention on him. Me or him." Such a douche bag right now.

"You know I can't do that. I love you Griffin, so much, but Noah's my best friend, and he has been my whole life." I'm hoping that he at least somewhat understands me. "Well then I know what I need to do." Guess not. God, why won't he just believe me for once!

"No Griffin, please don't do this." I love him too much to let him go, but there is no way in heel that I would ever let Noah go either. "Fine Dixie. You have one more chance to prove to me you love me more than Noah. If you can't, I don't think I would be able to do this anymore." As much as I hated him right now, I still can't lose him.

"Okay. I swear I'll show you. But right now, I need to be with my best friend." He couldn't just expect me to stop talking to him, especially when I'm the one who threw him this party.

I walked back over to Noah, acting like nothing happened. "What happened. Is everything okay?" I hating lying to Noah. "Yep, everything is perfect." It needed to be done. As much as I want to tell Noah what happened, I know how he would react, and I just don't want anything bad happening.

I know I'm probably acting so stupid right now, I just can't, and don't want to lose either one of them.

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Little bit of a longer chapter 😉 I really hope you guys are enjoying this so far!! Love you all so much!
Word count: 1517

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