Chapter 5: Details

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Dixies POV: Waiting for Noah's date to finish were the longest few hours of my life, and typically I'm a very patient person.....okay maybe not, but still, this is taking way to long. What if it's going really good and they end up spending the night together? What if Noah completely forgets about me? No, shut up Dixie, that's not gonna happen.

I felt very mixed emotions. One minutes I was mad that he didn't tell me sooner, than the other I was sad because he didn't tell me, and finally I was happy. I still don't know why he didn't tell me though. It might not be a big deal to him, but it was huge to me.

Every relationship that's he's been in has ended bad. I've seen him get hurt so many times, and constantly he would go back, getting hurt once again. It was hard seeing him go through all that. He's such a kind hearted person, he's perfect, and he deserves perfection. I just want him to be happy.

I want him to tell me how's he feeling about girls, about dates, about romantic ideas he had, basically about everything. I just don't want to see my best friend get hurt once again. He doesn't deserve it. So yeah, I'm taking this date as a huge deal, because what if there's a specific reason he didn't tell me about it.

Noah's POV: Im sitting here, with my beautiful date, in a beautiful place, but yet something still doesn't feel right. I was excited for this date, because unlike my other ones I didn't know what to expect. I met this girl at a store, less than 24 hours ago. This was exciting, or so I thought.

All I could think about while my date was talking was Dixie, and how she must feel. I know she takes my love life serious, purely because she cares for me, and wants to see me happy. I just admit, I feel bad not telling her right away.

I thought that if maybe I kept it to myself it wouldn't be thy big of a deal, and if it wasn't that big of a deal, there would be less of a chance of something wrong happening. I thought wrong. Very wrong. I'm afraid I hurt Dixie.

I know how seriously she takes things like this, and I know how she probably feels like right now. I can't do this.. I need to make sure my bestie is okay. Because as of right now, and maybe even for the rest of my life, she's the most important person in my world.

Dixie has been with me through it all. There's not a single moment in me life, that we haven't experienced together. And I don't plan on this date ruining that. "I'm so sorry that I'm doing this, but I have to. You seem like a fantastic girl, but I have something I have to deal with. I'm really sorry, but I need to go."

With that I got up out of my seat, which honestly felt relieving. "Would you want to reschedule?" This girl really likes me, huh? "Yeah sure, I'll text you. Oh and thank you for understanding." Without another word being said I left. I got in my car, probably faster than I ever had. Yes, Dixies that important.

I forget I her apartment, surprised I didn't get a ticket. I know it seems crazy and like this situation is not that big of a deal, but Dixies sensitive, and the more time I take, the harder this is going to be to fix.

I walked to to her door, preparing myself for whatever might happen. I opened the door, fixing my eyes on something immediately, Dixie. "Hi dicksea." Jokes always make her feel better, so why not crack one right away.

She was shocked. Her eyes finally met mine, as her face was nothing other than confused. She stayed silent, I'm assuming due to the fact she did not expect this at all. "What are you doing here, why aren't you on your date?"

Dixies POV: Shocked was definitely one way to put how I was feeling. I mean, yes, of course I wanted him to come, but definitely didn't expect this soon. Oh no. Does this mean his date went terrible?

"Well I was, but I needed to make sure you were okay. I know your a bit upset that I didn't tell you about it sooner." Awwww. This just showed how perfect he was. He put his date on pause, just to come check up on me. "I swear I'm fine. I was a bit upset, but you know why."

He really didn't have to do this. Now I feel bad. "Yeah I do. And that's exactly why I came here. I should've told you, I'm sorry." Apologies we're another thing he was very good at. He just knew his way with words. "Well I accept your apology, Noah neck." I had to. It was a perfect opportunity.

He laughed as I quickly found my way to him. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, enjoying every single second, just like I did with all of our hugs. He quickly hugged back, basically sucking the life out of me with how hard he held me. Being in his arms was just what I needed tonight.

I made my way out of his grasp, sitting back to my previous position. "So how was your date? Tell me allll the details." Now it was time for me to be a good friend. He laughed at my sudden excitement. "Anything for you." See, he really does know his way with words.


"That's it?" I said honestly bored by the time he finished taking about his date. "Yep. She asked me to reschedule, but I'm not sure if I will." He shouldn't. I know that sounds rude, but this girl is less exciting than a door. "Honestly you should be thanking me." Was that mean? I hope not.

"Well if I must. Thank you Ms.Damelio, I appreciate it." I loved it when he called me "Ms.Damelio", it honesty have me butterflies. Something about it was just honestly very cute. "Why, your very welcome Mr.Beck." I bowed a bit, joking around even more. It was just the way we understood each other, and I'm HERE for it.

A few hours passed and Noah finally left. I was sad, but I also had to wake up early tomorrow for work, and so did he. All I'm gonna say, is that I think everyone needs to get a friend like Noah Beck. Trust me, you won't regret it.

IM BACCKKK! After taking some time to myself and major updating time, I'm here, publishing the first chapter of many to come today, I hope you guys enjoy:) tbh, I want a friend like Noah too. Okay, byeee, love you guys lots!!
Word Count: 1163

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