Chapter 14: Party Time

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Since Noah's and Dixie's sneaking around started things have been really hard to do without getting caught. Noah can't be around Dixie when Griffins there because he has zero self control when it comes to him. They can't to be close around their friends, not wanting to risk on of them realizing there is more there than just a friendship.

Tonight they were going to risk everything. Dixie is planning a party for Noah since it's his birthday on Saturday. She wanted to spend the day alone with him on his actual birthday, so on Friday, which is tonight, she decided to do something with all of his friends. Plus Griffin. Dixie tried to convince Griffin to not come, since the last time they interacted things didn't end so well.

But Griffin was convinced that Noah and him needed to make amendments. He wanted to apologize, and yes, Dixie already told Noah that Griffin wanted to apologize. But Noah being Noah, didn't buy his bullshit. But the point of the story is that Griffin is coming anyways. Whether Dixie liked it or not.

Dixie wanted to dedicate a day to Noah. A day that she could thank him for sticking with her, even through all the shit that she put him through. He stayed with her, and now loved her with all of his heart. To Dixie, he deserved some kind of reward. In her eyes, he deserved the world. "Why are you blindfolding me? Is this some sort of kink you need to tell me about?" Dixie burst out into laughter as she led him down the hallway of her apartment complex.

"Noah!" She lightly hit his arm, getting closer and closer to her door. She had texted everyone they're coming, so they all took their places and went quiet. Dixie was just hoping wouldn't jump on here and kiss her when they get into the apartment. "What? I was just asking." He held his arms up in defense.

"Your disgusting." Again, they both started laughing, before Dixie opened the door. They both walked in, Noah going first, still not being able to see where since he was still blindfolded. "SURPRISE." Everyone yelled as Dixie took off the blindfold. His eyes widened, obviously not expecting this.

"I hope you like it." Dixie smiles sheepishly at him, looking up since he was so tall compared to her. "I love it. Thank you Dix." He smiled back down at her. Their eye contact was strong, and full of love, but short, not wanting attention to be led towards the simple action.

"Happy birthday bro." Griffin walked up to the both of them, one hand snaking around Dixies waist. Noah's face immediately dropped. He had come to terms with Dixie staying with him, for now, but he didn't want to see him. And Dixie told Griffin this. But he didn't listen. Clearly.

"I'm not your bro." Noah's tone was harsh. It was very clear he was pissed. "I get it. We have had problems in the past. But that's just the past, and we can start over." Griffin spoke genuinely. His intentions were to make amends, but unfortunately for Noah, he couldn't care less.

"We don't need to fucking start over. What you need to do is getting your annoying, ignorant, and jealous fucking ass out of here, before I leave myself." His words were harsh, and his voice showed power and dominance. Dominance that he didn't often show.

"I'm not leaving, but I'll stay out of your way. If you change your mind, you know where I am." She flashed a smile smile before walking away. "Before you yell at me, I told him to not come, he was stubborn and didn't listen. He wanted to make amends with you."

She closed the door as she spoke. She was hoping this didn't ruin the whole night for him now. "I believe you, don't worry. And thank you again for this." He said softly. His time was not much more soft and sweet. Very different from just a few seconds ago.

"Come her for a second." He grabbed her hand, waking into her room. He made sure no one saw them, and they didn't since they were all talking with one another. "Did you need something?" Dixie asked confused. Part of her was hoping that this wasn't his way of getting revenge, even if he said it was fine.

"Yea, you." He said simply before kissing her, making sure the door was closed before hand. She quickly kissed back, grabbing the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. She should've felt guilty kissing him when her actual boyfriend and friends were right outside. Yet, the thought didn't even cross her mind.

"I love you." She smiled placing her arms around his waist. "Happy early birthday my love." Her smile only got bigger after seeing his. "I love you Dixie." He kissed her forehead before wrapping his arms around her. "Best birthday gift ever." He hummed softly, thankful for her presence.

"Don't say that just yet, just wait and see what I have planned for tomorrow." She looked of shortly, giving flashing a half smirk, half smile. "Now I'm excited." He smiled at her statement. He was always smiling around her. They both were. It was unexplainable. They just both made each other so happy.

"You should be." She detached herself from the hug, opening the door. "Now go enjoy your party." She closed the door, getting out first. Noah walked pit a minute after, making sure no attention got drawn to them.

For the rest of the night? They were all playing games, talking, and drinking. Noah was thankful for this. And he was thankful for Dixie. But this is nothing compared to what Dixie has planned for tomorrow.


"Dixie this is fucking amazing. How did you even plan this?" Noah exclaimed as Dixie relaxed his surprise. "Happy birthday birthday baby. You ready for the best weekend?" She smiled in excitement. It was going to be a fun weekend.


HI LOVES!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I'm not sorry that it was a little bit of a cliffhanger. You guys need a little adventure. I love you all. Till next time;)
Word count: 1045

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