Chapter 17: Never Better

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"Ma'am, ma'am, can you hear me!" Faint sounds were ringing through her ears, and yet she laid on the rolling bed unconscious. "She's breathing!" The paramedic yelled as Dixie was being rolled into the ambulance. "Her vitals are stable, although she's losing a lot of blood!"

If she would've stayed unconscious in her crashed up car any longer, there would've been no chance of saving her. No chance of living. And no chance of making the right decision. No chance of being able to tell the man she loved more than anyone else in the world, that he was the one for her.

"Do we have a profile on her yet?!" The siren sounds ran through her ears, leaving a small ringing noise. "Yeah she has an ID. Dixie Damelio, 21." Scrunching her nose due to the pain, Dixie groaned. "Ma'am, are you awake??" Her eyes were slowly starting to open.

"Wh- what's going o-" A shocked expression washed over the paramedics faces when she went back to an unconscious state. All of a sudden, her vitals were dropping, her blood supply was lower, and her hands that were twitching at every pothole in the road stayed frozen, not a single sign of life in them.

"Quick! Get me some gauze pads! We need to stop the bleeding, if she loses any more blood, she's going to go into cardiac arrest!" Pads were being placed around her wounds, stopping from the excess bleeding she was doing. "Come on, let's be quick people!!"

Doctors were rushing around the bed, checking her vitals, examining her wounds. The scenery around her was so intense, yet she laid there, lifeless as ever.

"She doesn't have a heart beat!" Doctors were still circling around her as she entered the building. "Shock to 300!" Cold paddles were being placed on her chest. Yet when they shocked her, her position remained the same. No heartbeat, and no sign of life. "Again!" The doctor yelled. "Clear!"

Shocking her again, she stayed still. Doctors were racing around her. "Again! Shock to 400!" The paddles were placed on her chest again. This was it. "Clear!" The shock went through her whole body, practically bringing her back to life as she took a big gasp of air.

Sighs of relief were made all around her. "Ma'am, are you ok?! Can you hear me!?" As she tried to examine the room around her, she saw the doctors that were surrounding her. "What's your name?!" Looking up at the doctor that was working on her, she noticed the blood surrounding her.

"Can you please answer me?" Her breathing was beginning to fasten. The sign of blood and people around her, was extremely unsettling. "I- Uh." Her throat hurt as she tried to speak. It felt as if she was scratching it on course sand paper. "Dixie Damelio?" The doctor answered instead.

Nodding her head slowly, the doctors began to fill her chart. "Is there anyone we can call?" She wouldn't dare say the first name that popped into her head. Instead, she stayed silent, hoping to avoid the question. "Check her in the system. Contact her emergency contact. Let them know where she is."

"Don't worry ma'am, we're going to take great care of you." Dixie looked up at her, making an attempt of a smile. But before she knew it, her eyes were shut.


"Dixie?" Griffin looked into her slowly opening eyes. Now, I bet your wondering. He was the emergency contact? No, no he wasn't. I think we all knew who was. "I'm so sorry baby, this is all my fault." A loud ringing was going through her head. It was pounding. The only way to describe it is as
if her brain was being ripped out of her skull, then being abruptly placed back in.

"N-no it's n-not." He had this apologetic look plastered on his face. It made Dixie feel guilt knowing that it wasn't his fault, nor Noah's fault. It was her fault. Her fault she lied. Her fault she got hurt.

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