Chapter 18: Hard To Handle

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"Why won't you just listen to the doctor and eat?" It had been a week since the accident, and life hadn't gotten any easier. Not for Griffin, and certainly not for Dixie. "I'm not going to eat if I'm not hungry."

Her stubbornness also wasn't making this hospital visit very pleasant. She didn't want to eat, she didn't want to get out of bed, and she didn't want to be around anyone except for one person. But that one person was the only one she couldn't be around.

"You're not eating enough." Griffin had been more than patient with her during everything. After his last talk with Noah, he made sure to be there for her through everything. And that's whether she wanted to or not. "I'm not hungry Griffin." She grit through her teeth. The patience for anyone has gone through the roof completely. Most days she can't even handle herself.

"Dixie, you need to eat. You're going to damage yourself if you're not getting enough nutrients in, in a day." Despite her..... Difficulty, Griffin stayed persistent. She would get mad at him most of the time, but in the end, it was better for her, and she knew that, whether she wanted to admit it or not.

"I'll eat later, I'm going to sleep." She slowly turned to her side, brushing her eyes closed as the sound of the machines entered her ears. It was weird, but in a way, the beeping kept her going. It let her know she was alive, and okay. "Dixie, eat before you go to sleep." He placed a hand on her arm, slightly turning her to face him.

"Look I know what you feel like right now, but I-" He had tried to calm her down. To give her something that would hopefully make her feel better. Unfortunately, that didn't work. "Don't you dare tell me that you understand, when you clearly don't! I have been in pain, day and night, and I can't do anything about it!"

The one thing that Dixie hated most in this world, was when people tried to understand what she was going through. No one could, and even trying made her blood boil. "I understand that all you're trying to do is help me, and I appreciate you so much for trying to do so, but you're not helping." I don't know how to explain it, but Dixie wasn't your typical girl.

She didn't need a man to be content. She didn't need anyone else doing things for her that she knew she could do by herself. She just liked the thought of knowing that if she needed someone, she would have that person. She didn't need super genuine gifts. She just wanted happy memories. Most importantly, she didn't want to be babied. She wanted to be treated the same as any other person.

Those are the same reasons why her friendship with Noah lasted for so long. He was there for her whenever she needed it, but he also backed off when he knew she needed it. He understood her to the point where she didn't need to say anything, he just knew. He knew what she was feeling, and although she doesn't speak, he knows what she's going to say.

Griffin. He, on the other hand, looks at her like a woman who needs a man. And in many ways, that's reasonable. Many women are okay with practically being slaves for the men. It's what they like, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just that, Dixie wasn't. She was independent, and when she wasn't she had one person she could rely on, and wouldn't feel weak.

When she gives into Griffin, It's as if she was following a command. As if there was a rule book in how to be a girlfriend, and Griffin was the author.

It wasn't anything bad about him, it's just the way he was wired. He grew up with the mentality that women were meant to be submissive to the men that they love. He knew that going into the relationship with Dixie, that she wasn't what he was looking for. But despite that he fell in love with her. The only problem was that he didn't change his ways. Nor did he want to.

"Look I love you, and I will eat as soon as I wake up, I promise." Catching her breath, she layed back on her side, letting the peace fill her up yet again. "I love you more." He did. But maybe he didn't. It was confusing. This time spent in the hospital has been more of a doctor-patient relationship, rather than a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

It's not for any bad reason though. Griffin cares deeply for Dixie, and seeing her hurt hurts him, but what else can he do for her. Being a boyfriend right now, doesn't do much good since Dixie hates everyone and everything. And being a doctor type of role model, just doesn't seem very appropriate, considering their actual relationship.

it was especially complicated for Dixie. She loved another man. And although that other man might not love her anymore, her heart still belonged to him. That was inevitable.

"Hey Griffin?" She hummed half asleep. "Yes baby?" He walked to the other side of the bed, now facing her. "I'm sorry for being so difficult. I promise I'll be better." She smiled before letting the sleep take over her.

Despite her recent break through in her love life, she still loved Griffin. She loved him for being there for her. She loved him for trying to better himself. And she loved him for the man he became.


"Why'd you leave me?" Dixie stared at her phone, admiring all of the pictures of Noah and her. She understood why Noah left that night. She hurt him, more than she could have ever imagined. She made him feel like a second option. Like she didn't love him, even though she did. More than anyone else in the world.

She did the same to Griffin. He said it himself, she made him feel like a side piece. Her intentions on making both of them feel loved, failed completely. Instead, she made them both feel worthless, unloved.

I guess all I can say now, is that she learned her lesson. What she's gonna do with it, that's what I don't know.


Hi my loveeessss!! This chapters very short, but in all honesty, it's mostly a filler. I'm very excited for what's to come next, and I cannot waiiiittt, for you guys to keep reading. I love this book so much, and I hope you guy's do as well. If you guys did, please make sure to comment and vote. I know it's getting annoying, but your feedback lets me know how I'm doing. Thank you so much for all the love <333
Word Count: 1152

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