Chapter 41

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"Did you plan for him to show up?" Luke asked as they cleaned up from eating.

"Nyet," Raven shook his head. "He call say he out leave for home." He kissed her head since she was sleeping in his lap and Calla Lilly was sleeping in Silas'.

"So you saw the opportunity and asked him to come by before leaving so she could thank him?" Owen asked and Raven nodded. "It was good, she wanted and needed to thank him for what he did for her. It gave her closure on the whole thing."

"Da," Raven said. "No more pain Kitten."

"She is improving greatly," Uncle nodded, "both physically and mentally. I do think this is the best she has looked since before I had to leave her. Love does wonders."

"That it does," Axel nodded. "After all, it tamed North and Raven."

"Ha ha," North rolled his eyes while Raven chuckled.

"Are your plans done, Gabriel?" Uncle asked and Gabe nodded.

"You fucking know it," He chuckled. "Just waiting on a few more goddamn things to arrive then it will be ready for me to get everything fucking set up."

"How exactly do you plan on getting her out of the house to set it up and get that shopping done?" Uncle asked.

"Easy," Gabe smirked, "Jess has a fucking school dance coming up that she needs to go fucking dress shopping for. The girls are going to fucking join Momma and Jess while they shop."

Uncle burst out laughing, "you really have thought of everything."

"It's my fucking talent," he smiled.

"Getting it all out of your system while you can?" Uncle chuckled.

"You fucking know it," Gabe beamed.

"You are doing good," he nodded. "Anyway, I think she will love what you have planned." He stood, "Get the girls home, keep me in the loop."

"We will," North nodded as they left.

Belladonna stretched and smiled when she saw she was laying between Gabriel and Nathan. She climbed out of the bed and started the shower. As she was brushing her teeth the door opened and she saw Gabe walk up behind her. He undid her jewelry and laid them out on the counter. "Morning Trouble," He yawned.

"Morning Meanie," she smiled after she rinsed her mouth out. She watched as he adjusted the temperature for her and grabbed her some towels. "Thank you," She smiled then kissed him softly.

"You are welcome," he smiled. "You have a busy day ahead of you."

"I do?" She asked confused.

"Yes, you are going fucking dress shopping with Momma and Erica. You and Little One."

"Really?" She asked. "What for?"

"Jess has a school dance coming up or some shit like that. She wants your opinion. Knowing how she constantly changes her fucking mind, it's going to be an all day thing."

"Are you going with us?" She asked as she undressed and got in the shower.

"Not today," He said as he picked up her clothes and put them in the hamper. Normally when the guys did that it got on his nerves but with her and Flower, it didn't bother him. Funny how that happened. He also realized that since they had come to their family, it no longer irked him when the guys did it. Plus they had been trying to pick up after themselves more since the girls joined their family. Gabe shook his head as he came back from his thoughts. "I have some work at the goddamn salons that I can't get away from right fucking now. It'll be fine, though. Jess has good fucking taste and you will be blowing up my fucking phone so I can help through that. You and Little One will have fun."

"Will any of you join us?" She asked as she washed her body.

"Not today but all three dogs will be with you," Kota said as he came in. "Little One just woke up. We all have work we have to handle. Jess and Momma will be here in an hour to get you girls, just a heads up."

"Okay," Belladonna said then heard the men leave the bathroom. She had to admit she was nervous about leaving without the guys but she took comfort in the fact that the dogs would be with them and she could text the guys whenever she wanted.

She smiled when she saw her outfit was already laid out on the bed for her. She got dressed and went downstairs then sat at the table with the men. A couple of minutes later she held her arms open as Calla Lilly came rushing towards her.

"We see Nana Annie Tessie!" She bounced excitedly.

Belladonna laughed, "yes, but first we have to eat breakfast. So sit down, the sooner we eat the sooner we can finish getting ready then spend the day with Nana and Aunty Jess. Max, Night, and Snow will go with us also."

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