Chapter 13

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"Hey Ankh, you said you wanted to see me?" Belladonna asked as she walked into his office in the diner with Calla Lily on her hip. It had been a couple of weeks since the incident with Jesse and so far nothing had happened but Belladonna knew he was planning something then going to strike when she least expected it. He loved scaring her like that, making her mind overthink and panic.

"Yes I do Nightshade," Uncle smiled as he hung up his phone. "I am super busy right here taking care of things but I just got a phone call that the business that I just recently bought is finally ready for me to do a walk through. I can't leave so will you please go look at it for me and let me know what you think?"

"What about Calla Lily?" she asked curiously. "Will she be able to go with me?"

"Sure," He nodded. "I'll message Erica and give her and Jess your number that way if you need her to get Flower she can." He wrote something down then handed it to her, "Here is the address. Let me know how it goes Nightshade."

"Alright," She nodded, kissed his cheek, then left.

An hour later North walked into the diner, "Hey Uncle, what does Baby and Sweet Pea want for lunch?"

"I don't know," He said not looking up from his paperwork, "Check my phone and see if she has text me. I sent her to go check out the new building."

North grabbed the phone on the desk and started going through it. "She hasn't text you Uncle."

"What?" Uncle looked up from the paper confused. "What do you mean she hasn't texted me? She should have sent at least one text by now. The building is only ten minutes away from here."

"There's nothing from her since yesterday," North growled. "I'm going to try and call." After a few seconds he tossed the phone down, "I'm going out there."

Ten minutes later North pulled up to the building and grabbed his phone, "Corey track Baby's phone now! She's not where Uncle sent her and her car is here. The building is empty, her or Calla Lily aren't here. Find her now!"

Within minutes he heard cars approaching but ignored them as he went back into the building to look over things again. "What the fuck is going on?" Gabe asked as he rushed into the building. "Where the fuck are we?"

"I bought this place so she could have her dream business but was going to surprise her," Uncle said as he entered the building. "I told her that I needed her to check it out and let me know what she thought of it. She was supposed to text me but she never did."

"Where the fuck is she?" Gabe asked, "Her goddamn car is here for fuck's sake."

"Got her!" Corey said as his phone pinged. "She's 45 mins away from here. She has been wherever she is for a minute. Her location hasn't moved but it is still on so she's there."

"Or her phone is," Brandon said grabbing his keys. "Let's go, send everyone the location Core."

"Got it," He said as he headed over to Raven's car. North and Raven shared a look then they got in their cars and took off.

They pulled up to a grocery store and looked at one another in confusion. What in the world was going on? They started walking towards the store when Luke pointed. There in the distance was Belladonna pushing a cart with Calla Lily in the seat and Jesse walking in front her glaring. She looked like everything was fine but they could see she was tense and constantly looking around without it being obvious.

"Why in the fuck is he making her push the cart?" Gabe whispered in anger.

They stopped when they saw him hand her keys then stand there on his phone. She unlocked the car, put Calla Lily in the car then lit a cigarette and handed it to him. She moved like a robot, like it was an automatic response to do. She opened the trunk and started loading everything up.

"He is making her do everything," Marc glared while Raven and North broke away from the group and started walking towards her and Jesse. "What a douchebag, the man is supposed to do everything."

"Hey Baby," North said trying to remain calm as he approached her and Jesse.

"Kitten," Raven said through clenched teeth.

"North, Raven," She turned around in surprise. "What are you doing here?" She appeared shocked as she saw the rest of the group walk up behind North and Raven. They could see the surprise and relief in her eyes seeing them.

"We got worried because you weren't at the building Uncle sent you to," Silas said keeping a close eye on Jesse who hung up his phone then stormed over to Belladonna and grabbed her upper arm.

"That's because she belongs at home with me," He said through clenched teeth. "Finish loading the stuff Donna, we are leaving now."

"Yes Sir," She whispered while looking at the ground. She looked up at them with her eyes starting to water. "Goodbye Guys."

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