Chapter 21

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Belladonna felt the bed shift and she whimpered as the cover was moved and cold air hit her. "Sorry Kitten," Raven's voice whispered as warmth covered her back up. "Wake Kitten, answer phone."

She half awake stuck her hand out and her phone was placed in her hand, "Hello?"

"First thing I need you to understand Princess is that Little One is hurt but okay," Victor said and Belladonna instantly woke up, "I'm taking her to the hospital as we speak."

"What's wrong with Calla Lily?" She asked sitting up catching the attention of Raven and Corey.

"We were at the mall shopping," Victor explained, "And some punks ran by running from the security. Gabe went to grab her to protect her because I was inside paying and the punks shoved him knocking him into a glass display. She has a cut on her head that wont stop bleeding but she's alert and talking. Doc and Momma are already waiting for us."

"And Gabe?" She asked removing her shirt and taking Raven's shirt off the floor and sliding it on before pulling her hair up into a ponytail. Hearing a groan she turned to see both Raven and Corey then blushed when she realized what she just did.

"He's pretty cut up but more worried about Little One," Victor said. "Sorry Princess."

"For what?" She asked confused sliding her shoes on. "You and Gabe protected my baby. I don't even want to think what would have happened if Gabe hadn't grabbed her when he did."

"Come Kitten," Raven said grabbing his keys, "we go see Doc."

"We are on our way Vic," Corey said. "I'll let the others know."

Belladonna hung up her phone then took a breath and dialed some numbers, "Ankh."

"I'm already on my way, Nightshade," Uncle said through the phone. "Listen, I need you to be strong right now. I know you are scared but I need you to be strong right now."

"Tell me what to do," she pleaded, "my mind is racing."

"Call Doc and give verbal permission for all the guys to sign documents and give permission. That way they and Doc can do whatever they need to do if you aren't in the right state of mind," Uncle said trying to remain calm. "Just do that then get to the hospital."

"Okay," She whimpered as Corey buckled her seatbelt. "Thank you, Ankh."

"I'll see you soon," Uncle said then hung up.

Belladonna rushed into the hospital in a panic, "Hey Cupcake," Luke said coming out of a room into a hallway. Belladonna rushed into his arms and Luke led her into the room.

"Oh my sweet precious Flower," Belladonna gasped picking up Calla Lily and hugging her tightly. "Let Mommy look at you, Flower."

"Mommy," She whimpered as Belladonna ghosted her fingers over the five stitches across her daughter's hairline. "Me Me owie bab."

"Where is he?" She asked looking around the room.

"He finally let Doc stitch him up," Luke said, "He insisted Doc fix her up first. They will be in here soon."

"Mommy," Calla Lily whimpered, "head hurt Mommy."

"I'm so sorry Flower," Belladonna whispered as she scooted back on the hospital bed and kissed the top of her head. "Once Doc gets in here, I'll see if he can give you something for it."

"He already did," Kota spoke softly, "it should start working soon."

Just then Sean rolled Gabe into the room, "Oh Gabriel," Belladonna frowned seeing his chest, stomach, and arm bandaged. "Thank you for protecting my baby." She slid off the bed and kissed his cheek.

"Of course Trouble," He mumbled, "She's our daughter too."

Belladonna gasped, "What?"

"Hey Doc," Kota interrupted, "Sweet Pea is saying her head still hurts."

"Try this Little One," Victor said pulling out his phone and turned on his music.

"Here," Raven said pulling out the bag beside him and handing it to her.

"Oh taint too Bear!" Calla Lily smiled seeing her Grumpy Bear and Lotsa Heart Elephant.

"Where is she?" Jessica asked bursting into the room. "Where's my niece?"

"Annie Tessie," Calla Lily smiled waving around her stuffed animals.

"Look at you my little warrior," Jessica smiled. "You are so brave."

"She is definitely advanced for her age," Sean nodded. "Have you noticed that, Pookie?" Belladonna looked at him confused, "She is talking way above her age group and she is advanced in her cognitive skills and some others as well."

"Really?" Belladonna asked, "Her previous pediatrician said she was in the upper percentile brain wise but very small in her height but he said it was because she was a premie. He never showed any concern, but then again he always seemed to rush us also." She shrugged, "Guess she is going to be very smart."

"Of course she is," Uncle smiled, "Just like her mother."

"Ankh," Belladonna smiled softly.

"Just stating facts," Uncle grinned.

"Look what I have for my favorite patient," Erica smiled as she came into the room. She pulled a purple and a pink popsicle from behind her back.


"I think she is feeling better," Luke chuckled as they watched her go back and forth on the popsicles.

She got down and headed over to Gabe. "Here Me Me," She crawled into his lap and proceeded to share the popsicles with him. "All bebber?"

"So much better," Gabe smiled, "thank you Sweet Pea."

Calla Lily smiled and kissed his cheek, "Weltom Daddy Me Me."

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