Chapter 18

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"Oh hey Princess" Victor smiled as he came into the room. "Good morning."

"Good morning Victor," She said without turning to face him. She was loving watching Calla Lily with Max and the men that were outside with her.

"Breakfast is ready," He said as he came over and stood behind her. "Oh, that is a great moment."

"I haven't ever seen her that happy," Belladonna whispered. "So carefree."

"It could be an everyday moment if you wanted," He suggested. "Just saying."

"What are you talking about?" She asked confused.

"Hey is she awake?" North asked coming into the room. "Oh morning Baby," he smiled coming over to her. "Are you ready for some breakfast?" He looked where she was looking and chuckled, "She's been having a blast with Max and the guys."

"I'm glad," She smiled softly. "It almost seems too good to be true."

"Well, it's not," North said taking her hand and squeezing gently. "It's really happening. I know, why don't we have breakfast outside with them so you can enjoy it too instead of just watching up here."

"I love that idea," Victor nodded. "Get dressed while North makes your breakfast, Princess."

She nodded and headed to get ready. She had to admit she loved being outside while watching Calla Lily play with Max. She was so focused on watching Calla Lily that she didn't even realize that she drank all the smoothie North gave her until it was empty. "North," She whispered in shocked as she stared at the empty cup. "Sean."

"Yes?" Sean asked breaking away from where he was talking to Owen, "That's great Pookie," he smiled when he realized what happened.

"Proud of you Baby," North beamed as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

"Mommy," Calla Lily giggled as Max followed her as she came over to Belladonna.

"Hi Flower," She smiled as she picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Are you having fun?"

"Watts," she giggled as Max licked her knees. "Masie bun."

"He's lots of fun," Belladonna smiled as Calla Lily got down and went back to rolling the ball for Max to fetch and bring back to her. She watched as Luke got up and started play running having Calla Lily run after him as best as her two-year-old legs let her. Hearing her laugh as she got so close to Luke then him fast walk away from her encouraging her to try again. She burst into laughter when Max got behind Luke without him realizing causing Luke to trip over him and fall on his back giving Calla Lily the opportunity to catch him. She clapped as he picked her up and tossed her up in the air then caught her making her squeal in excitement causing him to do it over and over.

"Nightshade," a deep voice called from the house.

She turned to see Uncle standing there watching them. Her face lit up and she rushed over to him, "Ankh," she hugged him tightly. "Guess what," She said excitedly then placed the empty cup in his hand.

"That's wonderful Nightshade," His face lit up when he realized what he was holding. "How are you feeling now?"

"Stuffed," She admitted smiling. "But more importantly, look Ankh," She pointed to where Calla Lily was playing with Luke and Max.

"She's so happy," He nodded. "You seem happy here too."

"I'm learning," She admitted as she rested her head on his chest. "I'm trying."

"That's all that matters," He smiled. "Maybe this is where you need to be instead of the apartment."

"Maybe," She shrugged, "It's much more serene and peaceful, although I don't want to leave all the beautiful work Gabe did for us."

"Oh Trouble, I can easily do that sh...stuff here as well," He said as he carried Calla Lily over to them on his shoulders as she clutched his hair with a huge smile on her face. "It's no problem."

"You aren't going to let me say no, are you?" She asked.

"Of course not," Victor chuckled. "Even if you did he would do it anyway."

"True," Gabe chuckled as Uncle took Calla Lily from him. "Just save yourself the trouble and agree already." She sighed as Uncle chuckled. "Pick your battles wisely Trouble."

"You'll have stuff at both places Nightshade," Uncle smirked, "Now you really can't leave me, the boys will just find you and bring you back to me."

"I'm not running anymore," She shook her head, "You keep me safe, I'm not leaving home anymore, Ankh," She said clutching him tighter. "I won't take Calla Lily away from our home."

"I'm glad you see our place as your home," Gabe smiled.

"I meant Ankh," Belladonna tried to clarify while Uncle chuckled. "Ankh is home."

"You mean our home is home," Gabe retorted. "That's what you meant."

"Pick your battles wisely Nightshade," Uncle smirked.

"Sure Gabe," She said sarcastically. "That's exactly what I meant."

"I knew it," He smirked, "See I already know you. Now excuse me," He clapped his hands together, "I got some shopping to do."

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