Chapter 15

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"Wake the fuck up," Uncle said as he slapped Jesse across the face.

"Let me fucking go now," Jesse glared as he spat at Uncle who just took a step back smirking.

"And why would I do that?" Uncle asked. "I gave you plenty of warning what would happen if you messed with my girls again and yet you didn't listen. Now I'm going to go check on my girls and let my nephews have some fun," He chuckled as he grabbed his car keys.

"Did we miss anything good?" Luke asked as he and Silas came in thirty minutes later.

"Nyet," Raven shook his head as he threw his knife missing Jesse just centimeters from his face.

"Raven's just been playing while we waited for you," Nathan smirked as he picked at his nails with his knife. "Vic and Corey have been busy on their computers, but that's really about it."

"He's already quit his work and sent movers to his place to pack up all his stuff for his move to England after accepting a better job position there," Corey chuckled. "Gabe is going to head over there later with a few of us."

"Nice," Silas chuckled. "So how is he doing Doc?"

"He's bruised and has a few cracked ribs," Sean said shrugging, "but other than that he is fine."

"Good," Raven said grabbing Jesse's wrist and twisting it until he heard it snap.

"You fucking asshole," Jesse seethed. "You are seriously doing this over a worthless bitch that won't even give it up to you?"

"I suggest you watch what you say about her," Owen warned as he removed his cuff links and tie then unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt.

"I can say whatever the fuck I want about her," Jesse glared, "I'll even prove you are wasting your time with her. The only way you will be able to get anything from her is if you drug her, she refuses to give it up because of that stupid brat of hers. She's too fucked up and only good for maid services."

His head bounced off the concrete and he started gasping feeling Raven's hands around his throat. He tried clawing away but it was futile. Just before he passed out he felt his airway no long being repressed and started gasping for air.

"Hang him," Axel said as he looking down at the various tools and weapons. Silas picked him up with North's help and Marc wrapped the chains around Jesse's wrists then they hung him for the hook that was hanging from the ceiling. He picked up the package of needles then slowly started inserting them into his skin at the various pressure points he knew from acupuncture. He burst out laughing when he made Jesse piss himself. Once he was done he had them drop him from the hook. Jesse collapsed and let out a pitiful moan. Axel just casually picked up a hand then inserted the needles under his fingernails then did the same with the other hand. He then took the fillet knife from Marc and cut the skin off his fingertips, toes, and heels. "Now if he does go into another life he will forever be walking in pain with no identification."

"I wonder," North chuckled as he picked up the stun gun and powered it on.

"Stop," Jesse whimpered, "Please."

"How many times did she ask you to stop and you didn't?" North growled. "Does she even know what you've done to her?" He put the stun gun to the needles and chuckled watching him twitch and convulse from the electricity flowing through him. "Interesting."

"Do it again," Luke encouraged while Sean took notes.

"That's enough North," Sean said after a couple more times. "You aren't going to let anyone else have fun if you continue."

"Fine," North dropped the gun and took a few steps back.

"Damn he's tiny," Luke chuckled as Gabe cut his clothes off.

"Can you even do anything with that?" Nathan asked.

"Give me a moment," Marc chuckled then came back with some rope. After a few moments he chuckled as he took a step back. "Now every time he moves it will tighten."

"Assholes," Jesse coughed then groaned in pain.

"You are the despicable one," Owen said as he picked up a knife then started putting papercut thin slashes across Jesse's chest.

"We need to wrap this up soon," Sean said after a few moments, "I need to go check on the girls."

"You go ahead Doc," Brandon said as he watched Owen plunge the knife in between some rib bones under Jesse's lungs. "We got this."

"Once Gabe and Luke are done unleashing their anger they are heading out also to take care of his apartment," Axel said wiping his hands on a towel.

"Do we need this?" North asked as he held up a bottle of bleach, "Didn't think so," He said as he started pouring it down Jesse's throat after prying his mouth open.

"When you are done make sure you take a shower and clean up before coming to see the girls," Sean said as he took the keys from Silas and headed to the door. "At least this way I'm not breaking my oath."

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