Ch 9) Not A Festish

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Usually sparring involves two opponents fighting each other. What I and the rest of the class are watching is simply one sided bullying.

After just barely managing to block another one of Cardin's attacks, Jaune jumps away to catch his breath. While he hunches over and gasps for air Cardin smirks and laughs to himself.

Finally, Jaune recklessly charges at Cardin with his sword and shield raised. Though his attack is easily sidestepped and Cardin counterattacks by swinging his mace at his exposed backside. Jaune's aura takes the brunt of the attack and he is launched away, losing his shield in the process.

But even though he's battered and bruised, he charges at Cardin again with both hands gripped on his sword. Unfortunately, his admirable will isn't enough to break through Cardin's mace which he raises to block the attack.

Locked in a struggle, Cardin takes the chance to shoot a one liner at Jaune. "This is the part where you lose."

Heroically, Jaune responds with, "Over my dead bo-" only to get cut off by a knee to the gut.

To add insult to injury, Cardin kicks Jaune away as he keels over. My lips twist into a frown seeing Jaune go down so easily. The others beside me seem to be thinking the same thing as well as they all watch uneasily.

Cardin walks over to a downed Jaune and raises his mace to finish him off.

Then a buzzer goes off and the light turns on along with an announcement from the teacher named Glynda, also known as the S&M lady. "Cardin that's enough." She commands, whipping her wand and forcing him to back off.

Some students begin to clap, none of them being a part of our group.

Glynda walks up to the front of the stage saying, "Students, as you can see, Mr.Arc's aura has dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match."

Hmm, I wonder if I can do some sparring myself. It's been a while since I've stretched my arms.

"Mr.Arc, it's been weeks now, please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura will help when it is appropriate to attack, or when it's time to switch to a more defensive strategy." The teacher advises. "We wouldn't want to have you eaten by a beowolf."

"Speak for yourself." I hear Cardin mumble through Jaune's bug.

"Yes, Mr.Neir?" She looks at me with my hand raised.

"Could I have a chance to spar with Cardinal here?" 

"Neir? What are you doing?!" Ruby whispers to me urgently with a worried expression.

She and the others already know about my weak aura, as does most of the other class. I don't feel too different now that I have one, but there is something different there, I can feel it.

And I forgot that I've never actually shown my capabilities in close quarter engagments. I bet they all think I'm just a frail support character.

"Nothing much, just issuing a friendly duel," I whisper to her while looking towards Cardin with a smile.

He shoots me a dirty look filled with malice. This isn't the first time we've interacted during the last few weeks. During that time I learned that assholes like him hate when people smile, so I put effort into smiling whenever I see him.

He also hates that I don't say his name properly, which is an added bonus for me.

"Alright, we have time for one more duel." Glynda nods then turns to Cardin. "Mr.Winchester, do you accept?"

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