Ch 46: The Value Of Trust

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I jolt at the resounding smack that reverberated across the room. It takes a moment for me to stabilize my mind and remember where I am.

Weiss's room.

And her father just slapped her after she raised her voice and mentioned he only married into the family. The shock on Weiss's face is unlike anything I've ever seen in her expression. Her pupils dilate as she stares at her father and the hand that holds onto the handprint of her face trembles.

I stand in silence on the other side of her bed out of their view as her father lectures her.

"This behavior of yours is incredibly disappointing. You couldn't possibly understand the lengths I've gone through to keep this family where it is. Do you think running off like your sister is going to make the Schnee name stronger? Taking her side will only divide us," His voice is incredibly condescending and his back is straightened out to make him appear taller.

His attempt to intimidate her doesn't work and she meets his gaze without flinching.

"I am not siding with her, or you. I'm siding with myself," She declares solemnly to which her father rolls his eyes as he starts walking away, "I'm doing what I feel is right, and staying here in Atlas surrounded by the ignorant is not part of my will. Once I begin leading the Schnee name, I'll lead it as an experienced huntress."

This should be a time for me to smile at Weiss's growth, but I can't, not with knowing what comes next.

"Unfortunately, your naive dreams of playing the hero won't come true," Her father brushes off her words with indifference as he turns away from her, "You will not be leaving Atlas, in fact, you are not to leave the manor grounds unless I specifically allow it. You will stay here so you stay out of trouble until you change your idealistic views into something I can agree with."

Weiss's face slowly contorts as she realizes what this means.

"Seeing how...entitled you've become, really shows me how much your mother and I failed as parents. Now I have no choice but to correct this behavior as a proper father should, and that starts by keeping you within arms reach."

"Wha-? You can't just keep me here!" Weiss protests.

"I can and I will. The staff here will make sure of it."

"So what? I'm just your prisoner now?"

A dry laugh almost escapes me as I remember the first time she made mention of her family. It saddens me that Weiss hasn't realized she was his prisoner from the very beginning.

"You are a child, and children are grounded when they misbehave," His voice teeters on mocking, "I'm only doing what every parent would in this situation."

A look of outrage emerges on Weiss's face and I can tell that she's about to explode, rightly so.

"Don't even joke about that," Weiss balls her hands into fists, "Since when have you EVER acted like a proper father for me?!"

Her father doesn't respond and only glares harshly at Weiss.

Having the parenting card pulled out on them only when it suits their parent, Neir went through the same thing back then. Bitter stories and shared memories of our upbringings make me give Weiss's father a disgusted look. Men like Jaques and her father who have children just so they can use them have no right to act as parents.

Their behavior is what led me to give my own 'children' so much freedom. I wonder how they're doing now...

"Your outburst only here only adds to the list of reasons why you are no longer the heiress to the Schnee dust company," Her father continues to look at her with indifference, as though her words held no value to him as he speaks.

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