Ch 31) Imperfect Calculations

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I don't understand...why do I keep seeing those memories? I want to figure it out but I have no time to spare, a clock is running and I can't see it.

There are too many things happening at once, too many variables that are unaccounted for. I need to think of a plan, but I don't even know what I'm trying to plan for, it uneases me.

This is a world of relative peace, so why does it feel like we're on the brink of a war? I need to calm myself, take my mind off things for a while.

"Weeeeeiss, where are you going?!" Ruby shouts, and I just now realize I'm jogging along behind her.

We're outside the Colosseum now, and we're heading for the helipad at the end of the path while chasing after Weiss. Lately, I just keep zoning out, like my head is taken to another world while my body remains here.

"Why are we chasing after her?" I ask my leader, falling back into character.

"Well, I've never seen her this excited before so I want to know why." She smiles back at me, then turns forward again. "Weiss! What is the big deal?! Who is she?!" She calls to her as we jog to a stop right before the ramp leading up to a landing aircraft.

"Winter." Weiss says softly, continuing to look at the aircraft as an older, and more stern version of her walks out off the ramp.

"The season?" I ask.

"Wait, your sister?" Ruby asks.

"Oh, the person." I mumble, examining 'Winter's' snow white hair and steel like eyes.

"Winter!" Weiss suddenly shouts, surprising Ruby and I.

Wow, Ruby was right, she really is excited. I've never heard Weiss shout this loudly before unless it's at me angrily, so it's strange to hear the warmth in her voice.

Weiss suddenly starts running again and Ruby and I are quick to follow. We run up the ramp and onto the helipad to greet this woman named Winter. Heh, Winter, why do I feel like the name fits in more ways than one?

"Winter, I'm so glad to see you." Weiss says excitedly, practically bouncing with excitement. "Oh, your presence honors us." She greets her again with more courtesy this time and even does a little curtsy.

Winter steps off of the aircraft with an entourage of robots and soldiers with a strong military air surrounding her, she's definitely some kind of high ranking Specialist of sorts. I'd say we'd get along well considering my past, but I think I've seen her once or twice before during my little raids.

I just hope she doesn't recognize me.

Looking around, Winter takes slow steps towards us. "Beacon, it's been a long time." She says sounding more factual than reminiscent. "The air feels...different."

"Well it is fall's probably colder." Ruby mentions awkwardly, rubbing her head and glancing away from the imposing woman.

I hold back a laugh and keep a professional stance as Weiss gives her a good thwack on the arm.

"So, what are you doing here?" Weiss asks with shining eyes.

"Classified." Her sister states coldly.

Weiss barely even falters. "Oh, then how long are you staying here?" She asks with the same unusually cheerful tone.

"Classified." Her sister states again, narrowing her eyes slightly at Weiss.

Holding her own hands in front of her, Weiss gives her sister a small bow. "Of course." She says in a composed manner.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Ruby goes and makes things awkwarder.

"Well...this is nice...I think?" She says unsurely, clearly uncomfortable as she fidgets slightly in place.

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