Ch 16) All Fun 'n Games Until...

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As my eyes glaze past the last line in my notebook I feel my lips twitch as I suppress a frown. Somehow, I don't remember writing so many self berating lines.

A presence looms over my shoulder and I close my notebook as normally as I can to avoid suspicion.

"Whatcha got there, Neir?" Ruby asks, eyes staring at me curiously.

"Just a journal." I smile.

"It had my name in it." 

I resist the urge to twitch as she points out the fact. Just how much did she see?

Releasing a sigh, I prepare to deflect. "You got me, it's actually my love diary. It has my problems with a girl I like to tease who just won't get the hint." I shrug dramatically, then stare at her with a smirk.

Her eyes widen as she reels back in surprise, a pout quickly forming beside her blush. "Seriously, you can just say you don't want to show me instead of teasing me."

Interesting. Before just a little bit of teasing would be enough for Ruby to completely drop whatever subject she was on when talking to me, but it seems like after all these months she's gained some resistance to it since she made an actual response instead of just running away.

That or she simply does not want to make a scene in the mess hall.

"Why don't you bother Cat ears over there? She's got a journal out too," I nudge my head her way with a chuckle.

"Already on it!" Yang chirps, having been eavesdropping on us the whole time. 

I breathe a silent sigh of relief as Ruby turns her attention away from me.

Yang bumps Blake's shoulder with hers as she peers over it. "Watcha got there Blake?"

Blake makes a subtle jolt as she sits up straighter and closes her book. "It's nothing, I'm just going over notes from last semester."

I suppress a snort at her contradiction. 

"Liar," I mumble under my breath, smiling when Blake turns my way with an ever so subtle glare.

Yang doesn't notice our exchange as she catches some food in her mouth. 

"Lame." She says to Blake as she chews.

Before someone can call Blake another 'L' word, Nora shoots another food item into Yang's mouth and Ruby appears, slamming a large binder into the table.

I didn't even notice her leaving my side which means she must have had that sitting somewhere close by.

Ruby clears her throat before making her annoucement. "Sisters." She gestures to the rest of her team. "Friends. "She gestures to team JNPR who sits across from us. "Acquaintance." She gestures to me. "Weiss." She gestures to, well, Weiss.


"Four scores and seven minutes ago I had a dream." She proclaims, ignoring Weiss' complaints.

"This oughta be good," Yang remarks, catching another small food thrown by Nora.

"A dream that the five of us can come together, as a team, to have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!" She exclaims with passion, hand gestures, and giddy energy. 

The usual whenever something has her excited.

"Wait, you said five, I'm part of this?" I ask.

"Of course!" 

Before I can decline, Weiss speaks up. "Did you steal my binder?" She stares at Ruby's large stack of papers crammed into a binder.

"I am not a crook," Ruby states, not answering the question in earnest.

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