Ch 14) Project: voWed trYst

901 43 22

Neir POV
puppies and rainboWs

What does one expect to see when picking up their date from their house? Unless you've gone to the wrong house, certainly not a disgusted glare.

Yet somehow, that's exactly what greets me at the door.

"Ugh, what are you doing here?"

At my very warm welcome I bow with as much flourish and elegance as I can.

"Your favorite teammate has arrived to pick you up for our date," I declare, smiling widely.

Unsurprisingly she isn't the least bit amused.

"And considering how you're all dolled up, you look like you've been expecting me so I'm not sure why you're asking in the first place," My eyes scan her white pleated top and skirt that looks as expensive as her nickname, "You look great by the way, the makeup really brings out your bone chilling glare."

"I know I do." She merely sniffs once at one of my rare compliments, completely ignoring my latter comment as she scans my attire in return, "I can't say the same for you, must you really wear that lab coat everywhere you go?" She gasps in realization. "Don't tell me you're wearing that to the restaurant."

Never one to care about fashion, I personally don't see what the problem is with my lab coat.

 "What else would I wear?"

She groans and pinches the bridge of her nose, suddenly walking out the door and grabbing my hand in the process. "We've got an hour until our reservation, you are not wearing a lab coat there. You'll ruin my reputation." She says as she begins dragging me through the corridor, eyes darting every which way as if afraid of being spotted with me.

To her great relief, no one was out at this time of night.

"Aww, are you buying me a suit for our date?" I coo.

"If I must." She grumbles with disdain on her face.

My eyes blink a few times out of surprise, "This isn't how I expected this to go." I say quietly.

"How did you expect it to go?" She arches a brow.

"To be honest, I didn't think you'd actually say yes in the first place, let alone follow through. But I suppose you're the type to keep your word."

I catch a small glimpse of her pride appearing on her face for just a second. 

"There's a nice clothing shop on Rheag Street, take us there."

Her bossy attitude remains even in a casual setting, no surprise there. Regardless of how I feel, I continue my role as her gentleman and politely obey.

"Close your eyes, madam." 

She does as requested without hesitation, having been used to this by now, and I pull us through a door to enter the city.

"Lead the way Heiress." I put one foot back and slightly lean my body forward, holding out a hand.

She looks at it once then turns away, walking ahead without me. I stand up properly and step through a door to walk beside her at a distance of her choosing.

"So where are we going?" I ask curiously as we traverse the moonlit streets of Vale.

"To get you, better clothes. Do you even have anything aside from..." She quickly appraises me, "that?" She points to my usual ensemble of clothing.

I look down at my lab coat over my white shirt and black pants wrapped with a brown belt.

"I sometimes wear my school uniform under the coat." 

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