Ch 7) To Each Their Responsibilites

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The time after the announcement of teams went rather smoothly, to my surprise. Once everyone parted ways I had time to document my recent experiences and findings in my journal that's filled with bookmarks. I even had a chance to check out the room I would be staying in with the others.

The dorms were much better than the ones I had once lived in with all the space and actual beds instead of barrack beds, but the problem was that there were only four. I seemed to have been the first one to visit our future living quarters so I made some adjustments while I could.

The adjustments were the simple addition of a desk and identical bed I teleported from a random dorm, which wasn't as easy as it sounds. By the time I was done with my little renovation and tweaking my weapons, it had become dinner time, and still no one visited the room.

I was never one to eat much so I stayed in the dorm while snacking on a stick of tasteless nutrient paste and continued writing in my journal.

The first thing I recorded was my major breakthrough with my hallucinations. No longer will I have to make a fool of myself by facing the wrong way when interacting with people because I can finally control my visions to some extent.

Following that I decided to draw sketches of the monsters I encountered and added little descriptions of them. For the bird, I wrote 'Avoid riding one when on a full stomach.' And for the scorpion, I wrote 'At least it's not a mechanical one'.

After writing about the beasts I skip over the 'people I've met' page and flip over to my weapons page to try and brainstorm how to increase the efficiency of my weapons. Every time I think of a solution it always ends up circling back to my main problem, dust. My weapons run on it, and I'm running out of it.

I don't have whatever an aura is, and I still don't quite believe that souls exist. But I can see the future now so at this point anything is possible. If I can just figure out a way to unlock my soul or whatever, I can hopefully solve my dust problem.

One person comes to mind during this time, but I question how I'm supposed to approach her. Her being an influential person isn't the main problem, but trying to explain how I don't have an aura is, as well as something else...

I'm not like Jaune so I can't use the oblivious card, even though I am. So how exactly do I go about this? It doesn't help that nothing is the same anymore, and the whole reason why I chose to stick to team RWBY was to avoid her.

There's one other solution where I can forgo having an aura as a whole, but that brings about a whole different set of problems.

I grab the pencil that I was balancing on my lips and throw it and my journal into a door, I'm too tired now to think about it now. Putting things off for later has always been a special skill of mine.

Flopping down onto the bed I teleported over here, I put on my eye mask and go to sleep, hoping that no dreams come to me tonight.

Time skip brought to you by chibi team RWBY and JNPR searching for Neir who is counting bio-mechanical death sheep

I don't dream of anything that night, but I do wake up to a familiar alarm clock, not that I actually get up of course.


A whistle blows and I hear someone thud to the ground while our leader's energetic voice rings out. "Goooooood morning team RWBY!" She exclaims.

"What in the world is your problem?!" An annoying voice yells.

Ignoring Weiss' complaining, Ruby says, "Now that you're awake we can officially commence our first order of business." She declares.

But why do it in the morning?

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