Ch 6) Closer Still

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Neir POV

This isn't exactly what I meant when I said I'd call it in the air.

"I know I said I'd follow you, but I didn't expect to end up here!" I shout over the rushing wind.

"I told you this would be a terrible idea!" Weiss yells.

It should have been obvious that jumping on top of a giant bird like creature would be a bad idea, yet here we are.

"We're fine! Stop worrying!" Ruby tries to reassure us.

Well, even if I fall, that's what the skydiving without a parachute was for.

"I'm not too worried, only a little." 

"I am so far past worrying!" Weiss shouts in panic.

"In a good way?" 

"In a bad way! In a very very bad way!" 

"Then why don't we just jump!" Ruby shouts, beginning to get annoyed by Weiss yet again.

"Are you insane?!" Weiss exclaims.

"It seems like she is," I say as we both look to the empty spot where Ruby once was. "See you on the ground Heiress." I give her a quick two finger salute as I let go of the overgrown bird.

"Don't just leave me here you insufferable-!" She shouts as I fall further and further away.

With Ruby so far beneath me already I dive through a door and teleport beside her.

"So what now Red?" I ask, casually crossing my arms as we plummet to the ground after dropping from a giant bird.

"How are you so calm right now?!" She shouts as she flails around in the air.

I think about all those times I threw myself off the cliff and my other extreme training methods.

"Experience," I say as I position my body so it's like I'm laying on my back, one leg crossed over the other and my hands resting at the back of my head.

"W-What?! How do you have experience with this?!" She screams.

"I don't think there's enough time for me to give you an explanation," I say, looking down at the rapidly approaching ground. "Hey look, I think that's Sunshine and Cat ears down there looking up at us."

"How are we going to say hi if we become a splatter on the ground?!" She yells, panic and fear in her eyes.

I shoot her a confident grin before grabbing her waist and pulling her close to my side.

"Hold on tight Red!" 

"Wh-What?" She looks up at me, afraid of something entirely different now.

She looks back down then grips onto my coat with all her might, pushing her face into my chest because she's too afraid to look down at the ground.

I position our bodies so we're standing straight in the air and summon a door beneath us. We fall right through and our trajectory changes so that we're falling straight upwards with all the momentum.

We fly up into the air for a short while until gravity slows us down until we completely lose all momentum. Right when our descent begins again, I summon another door right beneath our feet, and when we fall through it, hitting the ground with a soft *Tap*.

Since we were falling at such a slow pace, our landing was akin to simply coming down after doing a small hop on the ground.

(If you've ever taken a physics class before, you would know the scene shown above is completely mathematically correct. I'm a nerd, I know.)

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