Chapter 30 Part 2

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As a lot of you wanted an English translation of what Sadhu exactly said, I have translated the whole scene in English, so enjoy…



The ladies stopped at their tracks at the sound, especially Radhika who also jumped in fear at the noise. They looked to the side to see The Sadhu who had opened his eyes now and was looking directly at Radhika.

The ladies noticed his stare was directly on Radhika. The sadhu said "You had difficulties since childhood, you had problems from everywhere in your life. You became very quiet, alone, searching for some love. When you got it, you got it in abundance, as if God has ended all the sadness in your life."

Radhika looked at the sadhu with wide eyes as whatever he was saying was partially true. He was not giving the details but it was the summary of her life till now. Even the ladies looked at each other bewildered as, even if it was bizarre, whatever he was saying was true but whatever he said next was not what they wanted to hear.

Sadhu said in a strong thunderous tone as if even nature was listening to him "But beware now! Because this time the earth itself would shudder. It would be difficult for you to survive. It might wipe your face off from this world."

Radhika gasped at what he said. 'Does that mean something will... Something will happen.' The ladies shared a horrified look and  involuntarily came closer to Radhika after what he said as they were equally shocked. The men who were coming towards the mandir saw the ladies standing near the tree in front of the Sadhu. They saw their wives body language and their terrified faces. Dev saw how the Sadhu was looking with a powerful gaze at Radhika and at once ran towards her, others following him.

The men stood in front of the ladies and Dev stood in between Sadhu and Radhika. Sadhu scrutinized his gaze at Dev and then smiled. "Why are you smiling like that and what did you say to them?" Asked Virat in an angry tone to the Sadhu. Sadhu didn't divert his gaze from Dev as if he was trying to read something. "Harry, they were saying that… that…"  Natasha tried speaking but it was as if her tongue was tied in fear. Hardik said "Whatever he said, don't believe it. Let's go from here." Hardik and others made their wives to walk towards the mandir. Dev placed both of his hands on Radhika's shoulder telling her to walk ahead.

Before they would walk ahead The Sadhu once again said looking at Dev this time "You either consider me as mad or sane, destiny doesn't spare anyone. If you can then save her or destiny won't give you another chance. If your love is true she would be able to reach the other shore or else she would get drowned in between. Then no matter how much you try, you won't be able to change the world."

The ladies looked more scared as Anushka pulled Virat's sleeves, "Virat, let's go from here." Virat who was also a bit astonished to hear everything was rooted to the place. After hearing his wife, he started moving towards the mandir securing Anushka and Vamika. Radhika's face had turned completely white when she heard what he said to Dev. Dev too was a bit scared from inside as he walked but he put on a brave face and took Radhika inside. Before entering, Radhika looked over her shoulder at the Sadhu once. She saw that the Sadhu was looking at her directly with the same strong gaze.

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