Chapter 64: Confessions And Bob's Mom

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Just when they all teleported, Ria turned around because of the sound and smiled widely on seeing all of them but one particular boy caught her eye. She rushed towards Bob and gave him a tight hug, refusing to let go of him before at least an hour.

Jack and Samira looked at each other. They gathered their courage and finally confessed to each other, "I love you" at the exact same time and looked at each other in surprise. Before Jack could say anything else, Samira threw herself at him and kissed him on the lips. Jack was so shocked he stood there frozen on the spot for a second but after that he kissed her back.

Ria and Bob broke apart and watched Samira and Jack with a wide smile on their faces.

Then, Bob looked towards Ria and gathering all his courage, nervously said, "Ria...I...I love you"

Ria replied in a way similar to Samira, by throwing herself at Bob and saying, "I love you too, stupid" just before their lips met.

Both pairs broke apart after a fair amount of time and laughed with each other. After that, Jack gave Samira some healing potion, which did it's job perfectly. After some more talking, Ria said, "Guys, Let's get out of here and breathe some fresh air".

"Let's just have a walk outside for a change" agreed Samira

"Anything for my lady" said Bob and Jack together.

The sisters laughed while blushing like anything. Then, they all went out for a walk.

They all were just walking when Samira and Ria noticed a small group of girls standing there in a tense atmosphere. They both looked at eachother and rushed towards their friends. All of their friends were glad to see them, especially Akshara.

"Now, you really need to tell us what all happened and who are these two?", they asked impatiently.

"Well, Jack is a priest, he helped us a lot in fighting the spirit and saved our lives a million times. Bob helped us in getting all those tools", replied Samira.

"And as for what all happened, it is a really long story", joined Ria.

"But we need to know" groaned the girls.

Samira and Ria started narrating their whole adventure in brief for the girls. They had just reached the part where Bob and Ria are separated from Samira and Jack when their mothers started calling them back.

"So, we can tell the rest of the story tomorrow. You guys have to go to your homes"

"Okay, tomorrow at the same time"


All the girls dispersed and only the squad was left.

"So, what now?" asked Bob

"Let's go to your parents. I think they deserve to know you both are alive" said Jack.

"Mom must be dying of worries" agreed Samira.

"But how will we go to Egypt so fast?"

"The same way we came. Hold tight guys, get ready. I am going to apparate all of you to the hotel"

They all formed a circle while holding Jack's hand tightly and the things around them dissolved. The same sensation passed through Samira's body. Bob and Ria felt like going into nothingness and they didn't really like the feeling. They both felt extremely sick while Samira was kind of familiar to this thing so the sickness reduced a bit.

Within seconds the world spunned around them and they found themselves just outside the door of their parent's room.

"What the hell was that!", exclaimed Bob.

"I feel like I am going to throw up any moment now", said Ria.

"I felt the same way the first time but this time it wasn't that bad"

"That means you are getting familiar with apparation"

"Anyway, guys, let's get inside the room before I pass out", said Bob

Samira rung the bell and almost immediately her mom and dad opened the door and almost crushed them with hugs. Samira thought she might die of suffocation if they didn't release her within a second.

Her parents greeted all of them and welcomed them inside.

"Now tell us everything" said mom.

"I am seriously tired of narrating all our adventures to everyone. Bob and Jack will you mind helping?", asked Samira

"Sure" They both said.

With that they all again started narrating all their adventures. Now, they were really getting sick of it.

"So, now we can go back to campus?" asked dad.

"Well if you guys want I can apparate all of us back but luggage might be a problem"

"So, we both can book our tickets back home and you guys can apparate back and enjoy till we get there"

"I seriously don't recommend apparation. It is the worst" said Ria.

"It's much better the second time Ria. Trust me"

"Fine, but if it is the same, I will forget you are my sister and strangle you"

Samira laghed and said, "Fine"

They all bid their goodbyes and were about to apparat back to the campus when Bob said, "Um...guys, I was just wondering if we can visit my mom first. I just want to mke sure she is fine. I haven't seen her in ages"

"Sure mate. Where is your home?"

Bob explained Jack the location of his home. After that, Jack apparated all of them there.

The place was full of life with lots of homes here and there. Bob moved towards a house that was all red and white and knocked. A beautiful woman opened the door and smiled widely on seeing Bob.  

"BOB! Where have you been?"

She welcomed all of them inside. Bob nervously asked, "Um...Mom?"

"Yes honey?"

"When was the last time you saw me? what was happening at that time?"

"Don't you remember honey? We were both having breakfast and you told me that you have to go somewhere on a trip with your friends and you will be back after a week or so. I didn't want you to leave but in the end, I had to give up"

"Oh, right! That...That was me, totally me. Not anyone else", said Bob more to himself than her mom.

"So, mom I am not done yet. Actually I just came here to check on you. These all are my friends and we were on our...trip. We came near this area, so, I decided to check on you. I will actually be back soon"

"No problem dear. I will wait for you"

"Bye mom"

"Bye honey"

"Let's get going guys"

Hey readers! So, this chapter was also double my word limit. It's 1000 words instead of 500 but now, I have started to ignore my word limit a bit.

As I have said earlier, I have started to wind up things. There will be only like...not more than 5 chapters left, probably.

The actual story has now successfully ended.

But some small things are still left and I don't want to just leave them yet. I want to end them properly too.

So, although the actual story has ended, there will still be some more chapters and now chapters will probably be this long. Like double the word limit, because, why not?

So, stay tuned for another chapter next week.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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