Chapter 19: The Encounter

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They both started walking forwards. They entered a hallway with pillars everywhere but at proper distances. They were still walking but suddenly Samira stopped. She hid behind a pillar, pulling Bob with her. She made Bob hide and took a  sneak - peak out. She quickly hid again. Bob was confused about what she was doing. 

He asked Samira, "Hey, are you ok ?" 

Samira replied, "Shhh. Speak slowly" 

She started whispering, "Ria is there, at the end of the hallway. I saw her there". 

"Are you serious ?"

"Ya. Look slowly"

Bob took a peek and saw a girl reading something inscribed on the wall present right next to a closed door.

"So, is that your sister ?"


"But what is she doing here?"

"How would I know ?"

"It looks like she is reading something inscribed on the wall."

"Yes, she might be trying to solve a riddle"


"What should we do now ?" 

"Let's just keep a check on her. Let's just move a bit closer to hear if she is saying something"

They looked around to find a spot to hide, which was more close to Ria. Bob spotted one big box near her, which was fairly big. He held Samira's hand and pulled her along with him. Samira looked at Bob with a little surprise and attraction and kept staring at him with affection while Bob ran towards the box with Samira along with him.

He reached the box and pulled Samira down with him. Samira was still staring at him. He realized that the box was not that big. He and Samira could hardly fit together behind the box. Bob had to pull Samira near him to adjust both of them. Suddenly, Bob noticed that Samira was staring at him.

He asked her, "What?"

Samira came to her senses and replied a bit nervously, "Nothing"

Bob ignored it. They both were now trying to hear if Ria was saying something. They heard Ria saying, "Umm... I don't remember it. How would I know that I have to notice my surroundings too? Come on...I think that was there. Let's just try"

Ria switched a lever out of three and the door opened. Ria passed that door and the door closed immediately after she passed.

Bob and Samira came out of their hiding spot. 

"Now what ?" said Bob

"Let's just wait here for a few seconds so, she passes the next riddle also. Then, we will try to solve whatever is there with the levers and pass the trap".

They both waited for some time and then took a look at the levers. It was written on the wall at the top of the levers, "Pull The Lever With The Answer To The Question To Open The door". The question was, "What was not there in the previous room ?" The options were, "The Egyptian painting", "The ancient vase", "The broken spear"

"Ria selected the one with the option of the ancient vase," said Bob.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Let's just pull this one".

"Okay. If you say so."

Samira pulled the lever and the door opened.

"You are very observant" commented Samira.

"Thanks! Now let's just keep on moving"


They both passed the door and had overcome the trap but there were many still left. They had to hurry if they wanted to capture the spirit. Will they even reach the tool or die in a trap?


Hey reader! It's me DrishKing008. Hope you are enjoying the story so far as much as I did while writing it. Please take a moment to vote, comment, and share the chapters to encourage my efforts. Tell me in the comments about what you think about my story or what is going to happen next? This is the nineteenth chapter of the story and the story has come a long way. Do show your support for the story because it means a lot to me.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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