Chapter 63: The Final Battle

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Bob and Samira slowly opened their eyes and were met with familiar surroundings. It was the house in which they had spent so much time when the spirit was trapped except it was all inverted sideways and everything was growing darker and darker like evil was gradually spreading all over the place. Finally Samira noticed a name plate on that house which read 'JASICA MATHEWS'

"You okay?" Asked Bob

"Ya...It's are we supposed to find the spirit?"

Bob gulped loudly while staring ahead and said, "Looks like...we don't need to"


Samira turned around to see the thing Bob was fearfully staring at. And when she saw it, she wished she hadn't.

There was Jasica Mathew's spirit in its same horrible form grinning greedily at them but the problem was it wasn't standing or sitting on the floor, instead, it was pasted at the top corner of the wall.

Both Samira and Bob cursed under their breath. The spirit's grin widened showing its rotten teeth that were falling apart. Just the mere look of that evil spirit sent a chill down their spine. A look  of true horror was visible on their faces. 

Samira told herself that they can't be scared of the spirit if they have to finish it. She gathered all her courage and told herself that getting scared was not an option. She had to kill the spirit and make everything normal.

She lifted the holy tool in her hands. The spirit's grin faded on the site of that tool and for a second cowardice was visible in its eyes but it was quickly replaced by an enraged look.

Bob was scared of the spirit after that look but the hesitating look on her face motivated Bob and he realized that he need not be afraid of it. Bob was trying his best to be brave as he had also promised Jack that he will protect Samira but the spirit was too quick for him.

When Bob was going through this internal battle, the spirit lunged at him. It picked him up and took him with it in the air. It was going higher and higher. Bob felt helpless as he didn't have the tools, Samira had them. He couldn't do anything to protect himself, he had to just pray that Samira could do something.

Samira tried to attack the spirit but it was very high up in the air and she couldn't reach it. Only if she had something to throw at the spirit...

As soon as she thought about it, a bow and arrow appeared around her shoulder. They were glowing like some sort of enchantment was on them. Samira remembered Jack saying the god had blessed them now. She took aim and shot the spirit with one of the magical arrows. 

The spirit screamed and dropped Bob as soon as the arrow hit her head. Bob fell from a fair amount of height and lay unconscious on the ground. 

IN THE REAL WORLD---------------

Bob and Ria were just praying for Samira and Bob when Bob suddenly starting shivering. They both rushed towards him. The atmosphere was very tense. Jack took out a hanuman idol from his pouch. He took some red tilak from the idol's feet and put it on Bob's head. Bob appeared to be calming down but just a tiny bit.

Tears dwelled in Ria's eyes and she started sobbing. She prayed to god with all her might to protect Bob.

And soon, Bob's breathing evened and he slowly stopped shivering.


Samira attempted to go to Bob to help him wake up but the arrow had enraged the spirit even more and as soon as the spirit recovered from that attack it came at lighting speed towards Samira.

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