Chapter 50: The Plan Began

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After talking with his Dad for a pretty long time, Jack went out of the room to see Samira standing there. Her face was towards the ceiling and she was thinking about something.

Jack cleared his throat loudly. Samira jumped and calmed down after seeing Jack.

"You scared me!"

"Sorry. Shall we go now?"


"Of course to Amrita!"

"Have you bothered seeing the time?"

"No...What is it?"

"It's well over midnight"

"Oh! Time flies. So, you can go to your parents and sleep now"

"And what will you do?"

"I? Well...I might just hipnodice her straight away"

"At this time!"

"It really doesn't matter unless it's 3 am because it's the devil's hour. Otherwise it's fine"

"So, you are saying you will do it without me"

"I mean you need rest and I am fine. So, I can do it now"

"I also don't need rest then-"

Just when Samira was about to finish her sentence, a big yawn escaped uer mouth.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, I won't re-"

Another yawn escaped her mouth. Jack sighed and said, "Look, I know you want to be part of it but you need rest. Go to sleep"

"NO! I want to help in this. Even if I can't help I can cheer you know"

"Seriously? Am I playing cricket that you will cheer me up? I am going to face a deadly spirit!"

"Then, you too rest with me"


"I will do whatever you are doing. Got it? I am not a 5 yrs old to be manipulated"

"OKAY! I will book a room myself and sleep. We will meet at 7 in the morning on the reception. Okay?"


Samira went to her parent's room and lay on the bed restlessly for half an hour before finally falling asleep. Who could fall asleep easily when tomorrow she had to face and trick a spirit?

On the other hand, Jack went to the reception and booked a room for himself. He also lay restlessly for about an hour thinking about how would he perform tomorrow and then finally fell asleep.

Next morning, Samira walked to the reception to find Jack already there having breakfast.

"Good morning", Samira wished Jack. After both of them had had their breakfast, they went to Jack's room.

Samira asked him, "Now, how are we going to do this?"

"I have found out that Amrita is working for the room cleaning today. We will call her for cleaning the room and I will hipnodice her"

"But how?"

"You will see"

Jack called the room cleaning and took out a mirror and put it carefully in the centre of some empty space. Then he took out some powder rapped in a cloth. There was a knock on the door and then, Amrita came in. She had just started setting the room when Jack asked her to stop. She looked towards him in surprise.

Jack stared in her eyes while muttering some sort of spell. Jack never left her eye contact and that's when Samira realised that Amrita was also not looking away which meant she was getting hipnodice. Jack muttered something in her ear and then looked at Samira and nodded.

Then, Amrita suddenly spoke up, "JASICA! You were the worst friend I could ever have! Because of you I was ill-treated so much! I helped you by breaking that curse to the extent possible by me but you forgot me after that and never helped me when I was in need! You were responsible for Monica's death too!"

Someone suddenly appeared in front of Amrita. A lady wearing a nurse dress. Her face was squashed and covered in blood, she had cuts all over her body. She didn't had pupils!

All of them knew it was JASICA MATHEWS'S SPIRIT!!!

Hey readers! DrishKing008 is here with another Sunday update. I almost thought to not update today as I am extremely sick. I have fever and lots of things. But I thought to just push some more because of my promise to you guys.

I have also written a one shot story "Don't Mess With The Ouija Board". Go check it out for a short horror adventure.

Vote, Comment and Share the chapters to make it worth my time writing it, that too during fever.

Hope you guys are enjoying it.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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