Chapter 51: Spirit Trapped!

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The figure screamed and attempted to hurt Amrita at any cost but was unable to do so.

Jack took out the bottle of holy water and commanded the spirit without any fear, "I, the son of the noble priest who gave you the curse and a priest of the all mighty Lord Hanuman order you to stop"


Jack threw some holy water ont he spirit which screamed but didn't run. Jack said, "I order you to stay where you are"

The spirit tried to move but couldn't move. Some invisible rope kept on pulling her so that she stood on the same spot.

Jack then, took the powder in his hands with the holy water in the other hand. He then moved towards the spirit. The spirt attempted to attack him but he quickly threw more holy water onto it. The spirit's skin or whatsoever was there in place of skin was burning due to the water.

Then, Jack said, "I order you to stay frozen on your spot!"

Now, the spirit couldn't even do the slightest of movements, it was only able to do facial expressions.

Jack took out the powder and made a circle around the spirit with it. The spirit seemed to break the invisible ropes and charged towards Jack and Samira but it couldn't pass the boundary of the circle made by the mysterious powder.

After that, Jack started making some specific movements with his hands and fingers which seemed to be damaging the spirit because it was screaming too loudly.

Jack spoke some spells and made some more movements and the spirit spoke, "STOP IT!"

"What do you want?"




The spirit was now losing its temper. It was trying hard to cross the circle and attack anyone possible but it's attempts were useless.

Jack shifted the miror towards the spirit and said, "I, on the behalf of the god, as a priest of the lord, as a son of the man who gave you the curse order you to go into the mirror dimension now!"


"I or-order y-you to go i-i-inside the mir-mirror di-dimension!"

Jack was struggling a lot to even speak the words. His nose was bleeding, he was trembling, he looked as if he would faint any moment.

The spirit was harming him in the best possible way and he seemed not to be able to handle it more.

Despite all this, Jack said again more loudly, confident and clearer than ever, "I AS A PRIEST OF THE ALL MIGHTY LORD HANUMAN ORDER YOU TO GO INTO THE MIRROR DIMENSION AND STAY THERE!"

The spirit screamed,"NO" and all the mirrors in that room broke.

After that, Jack held out both of his hands, with their backs facing eachother. Then, he lifted his right hand and placed it on the left of his left hand in the same position. He was continuously muttering spells while doing these movements with his hands. As soon as the palms of his hands touched the spirit screamed. Then, he rotated both of his hand, still together, inwards. The spirit screamed loud than ever. Jack separated his hands and the spirit turned into some black smoke. The black smoke then moved into the mirror and went inside the mirror.

Jack moved to face the mirror. The figure of the spirit was visible in it. He said, "STAY THERE FOR TODAY! OR I WILL BURN YOU WITH HOLY WATER"

The spirit merely glowered at him. Jack then punched the mirror and the mirror was broken into several pieces.

He then turned to face Samira. His face was a bit pale and his nose was still bleeding. Now, his hand was also bleeding a lot. He said to her, "It was successful! The spirit is now trapped into the mirror dimension for the whole day"

Samira was very shocked after noticing the whole show. Jack's voice brought her back to reality. She rushed towards him and wrapped her handkerchief around his bleeding hand. While tying it, she said said, "I have no clue what I just witnessed. I have millions of questions to be answered" After that she took a napkin from the side table and started dabbing Jack's bleeding nose gently.

Jack smiled weakly at her and with a sigh, he siezed the napkin from her hand and stared dabbing his nose himself. He said, "Don't worry. I will explain everything"

Hey readers! DrishKing008 is here with another Sunday update.

The spirit is finally trapped but only for a day. What all can they do in one day that too when something tragic happens.

You all will find it out in the next chapter.

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